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Sweater Repair



Hi all,


I have an interesting problem. Any ideas on how to repair a singed crocheted sweater?


My boss leaned back into a candle over the christmas holidays and ended up almost setting herself on fire and now has some brown singe marks on a sweater.


She says it's crocheted.. but I'm not sure of that (it's from Chadwicks of Boston). I suggested I could make some flowers and tack them down over the brown areas.. but she didn't like that idea.


I was wondering if there was maybe a special soap (I've seen ads for sweater soap in some of our magazines) or another process that might help.


I went off and left the sweater at work, so I don't have it here to examine.


Thanks for any ideas/suggestions.

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2 answers to this question

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If the sweater is synthetic and the actual fibers are melted/burned the only "saving" way I can think of would be to rip out those stitches and remake them. If they are natural fibers, it is "possible" they are just "crispy-fried" and could gently be buffed a bit to remove a "little" bit of scorching. It is most likely that the damage is permanent, sorry!:(




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Chances are that you'd have to frog down to that part and cut it out and remake it. I really don't know of a way to just clip out the burnt fibers and repair it, though someone else may. Recently I had something similar happen. I had a completed sweater back sitting on the couch between Hubby and I and he dropped his cigarette on it :yell . I had to frog it, clip it out and re do it. That will be much harder to do on a completed sweater, but doable if you are deturmined and take detailed notes of each row's stitches as you frog it, assuming the seams aren't surged.


Personally I like your original idea, of trying to work some sort of coverup into the design of the sweater. If flowers wouldn't suit, and depending on the stitch pattern, perhaps some sort of surface crochet over that area and the rest of the sweater to tie in the repair would work?

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