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Major Yarn Diet starting NOW!

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I had to laugh as I read the original post outloud to my husband because I have been going through my stash and frogging experiments and projects I know I will not finish...I'm almost disgusted with the amount of yarn and thread I have...but not entirely because goodness knows I've done ALOT of crocheting lately and completing more projects than not...


HOWEVER...I want to order yarn in the worst way...but I'm holding off...partly because I'm trying to save my money and partly because I really would like to see more WIP/UFO's completed and I would like to see my personal stash down from 5 baskets/bags/wooden trunk/yarn tote to maybe 2 or 3 baskets/bags...whatever...you get the picture...


I know exactly what you mean Deneen...

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Hello, fellow junkies.... My name is Gail, and I am a yarn addict. :welcome Gail! For many years I have seen but disregarded the symptoms of my addiction. I often found myself saying "I can stop buying yarn online any time I want to, I just really don't want to right now." Or I would congratulate myself on having a good week, not buying that much... then I would remember that I had to stay on the lookout for the 3 boxes of yarn I am awaiting from UPS guy, with whom I am on first name terms. I even bought him a Christmas gift! We have a wonderful relationship... he loves me because my boxes are so light! I can recount several times that I slipped the latest charge bill into my pocket and skulked toward the stairs to sneak my lastest purchase up to my already burgeoning stash. :blush I remember losing track of time seaching for the perfect skein on Ebay.... just one more auction... I have to bid higher... the rush that went with winning the lot of yarn that contained EXACTLY the colors I've been wanting..... Then there were the times that I would be late for appointments because I was AGAIN petting my stash and drooling :drool ... or the times I would climb upstairs to my stash area (the room overflowed..) with the yarn mess I had created with unused yarn, only to return an hour later with 5 times more than I took up for the WIM's, 50% of which MIGHT get started, let alone finished... And there were the times that I would find myself thinking about WIMs or my stash, or that illusive PERFECT skein at the most inappropriate times :dreaming (ponder on that one!) OK, let's say the pledge... *God grant me the serenity to accept the yarns that I already have, The courage to walk out of my LYS empty handed, And the wisdom to....." Oh, nevermind, I'll start NEXT week...


I'm on the floor...pounding on the floor...:lol

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This is great!!

Now I'm gonna have my mom read these posts so she can realize I'm not the only yarn junkie on earth:D

...Then there are all the other shelves n totes full of books (Moi, give up my collection of 50yo workbasket booklets, NOT), plastic canvas stuff (which ive never done) and quilt kits still in the original wrapper:blush ...LONG LIVE STASH:clap

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