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Crochet withdrawal

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I just saw the thread about burnout and I have to say I am having the opposite problem. I finished so many projects for christmas and before that my left hand hurts now. I have decided to not crochet for the next week, but I have to say that it is killing me. Partly because I just bought a bunch of yarn on sale and I reallly want to start a new project with it. My sister is a massage therapist and she is suppose to work on my hand to see if she can help. I hope it works because I might go crazy if I can't crochet soon.

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I totally understand!!!!:P My right arm is so sore I can hardly use it for anything. What am I supposed to do with myself???

I think most of the soreness is from using the knifty knitters, but I am soooo addicted. I may need professional help.:blush

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I know all about your frustration too. A few weeks ago, I went on this mad crochet rush, doing nothing but crochet for 2 days to get some things ready to sale. That was really, really stupid because by the end of day two, my right hand (I'm right handed) was so sore I could barely finish the last project. I took a break from crocheting for a few days after that because my hand was so sore it hurt in my knuckles and even typing on the computer or picking anything up bothered me.


I'm back at it, but only doing a limited amount of crocheting a day. It's killing me too. I got some pattern books for Christmas that I'm DYING to actually use, but I need to finish a few WIPs before I start anything. At the rate I'm going, it's going to take at least a few more weeks to even think about the new projects. The wait is killing me.

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