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white buffalo wool


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I posted this in Seeking Patterns, but to no avail. I was hoping someone here would know where to get a pattern for a tote to full with this kind of yarn. Thanks

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I did a bag with White Buffalo, it's in <a href="http://p084.ezboard.com/fcrochetvillefrm35.showMessage?topicID=9.topic" target="_new">this</a> thread. When you click on the picture link scroll down to the blue & green bag.


I didn't use a specific pattern, sorry, but I explained what I did do in the posts.


I had to split the WB which was kind of a pain. Scratch that, it was a BIG pain <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/yuck.gif" /> Now that I know how to get other great wools, it wouldn't be my first choice to work with. In fact I've been spinning what I have left of it and using it that way <img border=0 src="http://img28.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/wha.gif" /> My other thought was to make some kind of rug by using the 6 strands together and a Q hook, then fulling it.



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Thank you so much. I wouldn't choose to use this yarn either, since I hated knitting with it years ago. But it was free...and I have so much of it. Hopefully I can use it and full something out of it. If not, I can use it for needle felting....but I have so much!!!!!:oops

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