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Tension problems




I am a beginner crocheter and I am having alot of problems with my hand strength not being able to create enough tension on the yarn. I have hand nerve damage resulting in a loss of sensation. I have tried yarn rings but they don't really help much. I desperately want to be able to give crocheting a go but I am at a loss as to what I can do for this problem. Would anyone have any ideas or suggestions to help me out??


Thank you!!


From Cairns, Queensland Australia!!

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Welcome to the 'ville!  I'm sorry you are having hand troubles, I've had a few issues over the years caused by other things but they are now thankfully  down to a 'dull roar' , I just have to limit my daily crafting time to a couple of hours tops.

I believe those rings are for doing colorwork in knit or crochet, to keep 2 skeins from crossing/tangling as you swap colors; I own one but thought it was fiddly, easier to put 1 skein on 1 side of me on the couch, and another skein on the other. I don't do all that much simultaneous colorwork.  I can't imagine how they would help with hand pain, and they don't restrict the movement of the yarn so would have zero effect on tensioning.

A lot of crocheters will advise to buy a hand brace assuming you have carpal tunnel HOWEVER do not do so until consulting a doctor to see what he thinks.  I needed to wear a compression sleeve on my dominant arm (fingertip to armpit) for a couple of years  (side effect of breast cancer surgery), which restricted my hand and wrist movement but I ended up fighting against the sleeve to use the computer mouse at work and ended up with a painful case of De Quervain tenosynovitis -- which has simmered down since but roars back when I make a false move.  I waited several years before trying to crochet again, because I thought it was more important to heal up and earn an income than crochet!  In other words, a restrictive glove sleeve could possibly cause worse problems.  Since you have a loss of sensation...I'd hate to think of the damage you'd cause if you ended up with tendonitis but couldn't feel it.

I will offer the way I tension my yarn, it's the way I learned for knitting (which I was taught before crochet, the tension method works for both).  I'm right handed, and tension with my left; I put the yarn over my left hand first finger, under my second, and over the last 2.  I tension the yarn by subtly moving my fingers together and apart--I've done it so long it is instinct to move the yarn along without thinking.

Edited by Granny Square
bad editing, words out of order didn't make sense
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Welcome to Crochetville Natalie

I also have nerve damage in my hands due to autoimmune disease.  I limit my crochet time to no more then an hour at a time.  I do hand exercises before and after I start crocheting.  I also use half finger compression gloves for short stints, it just depends upon the day. If you want to crochet for hours at a time, I would suggest asking your doctor if the gloves would be ok for your particular hand issue, like Granny Square suggested. 

Youtube has tutorials on various ways to hold your yarn. You might have to change the way you hold your tension to see which works best for you.  You might have to loosen your tension on your hook.  I crochet tight and find if I loosen what is on the hook then I don't have to have the tension hand hold the yarn so tight.

Youtube also has tutorials on hand exercises that might help.  Heat also helps me, you can try a magic bag or hot water bottle.

My biggest advice to you would be take it slow, don't do marathon crochet sessions and don't wait till your hand is hurting a lot before you stop.  Moderation is key. 


Edited by Lacycrochet
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Hi Guys!

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and answer my question! I appreciate your help and suggestions! And u are both right, I need to speak to my doctor about it again! Hopefully I can find a better way to deal with it!!.


Thank u!!


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