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I’m doing a ripple afghan. Chain was 139. First row: 2dc in 4th ch from hook (counts as 3dc). (2dc in next ch) twice. (Sk next ch. 1 dc in next ch) 5 times  *Sk next ch. (2 dc in next ch) 6 times. (Sk next ch. 1 dc in next ch) 5 times. Rep from * to last 4 ch. Sk next ch (2 dc in next ch) 3 times. Turn. 
Second row says to sc in each dc across. 1 sc on top of turning ch. Pattern says I should have 137 sc. I cannot come up with 137 sc. if I sc into all the dc. What am I missing??

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Welcome to the 'ville!

Ripples seem simple but are really easy to foul up if you don't pay attention.  But I think the problem is with your pattern (but not the initial 137 stitch count)

The structure and stitch count of a  ripple typically is:  a hill-top adds x stitches, and a valley subtracts x stitches - X is the same number.  Each hillside is Y stitches - the Y's are the same number, but typically a bigger number than X .

Random example of a possible number combo:  each hillside is 8 stitches, each valley subtracts 2, each hilltop adds 2.  Uphill 8, add 2 at the top, downhill 8, subtract 2 at the bottom; repeat.

Some patterns may have different non-ripple 'stuff' happening on each end.

The stich count looks correct for the number of chains (counting over the skipped stitches that 'pass over' chains)- if you were making a straight row of nothing but US DC (1 into each chain), you chain 2 more than the number of (functional) DC  you want to end up with, so THAT part of the pattern makes sense--chaining 139, for a row of plain DC, will give you 137 stitches counting the turning chain as a DC (which is conventionally understood, patterns will not often say so because it is 'the rule', but they should make it clear if the chain is NOT to be counted as a stitch if that is the case for that particular pattern.

A ripple is a net zero gain or loss of stitches after you first set it up.  However from what you typed, something is amiss.

Below is your pattern line broken into steps.  Red areas appear to be the hillsides.  My comments in bold

"First row: 2dc in 4th ch from hook (counts as 3dc). (2dc in next ch) twice. (Sk next chThis looks like a hilltop as you are adding 3 stitches

1 dc in next ch) 5 times  

*Sk next ch. (2 dc in next ch) 6 times.  (Sk next ch.  This looks like another hilltop?  Adding another 6 stitches?!  There should be a valley here, and to balance the hilltop should be subtracting 3 stitches; or instead of "2 DC in the next chain 6 times", "DC2Together" 3 times should work to subtract 3 stitches.  Not sure if that would make 1 end of the blanket not end in a complimenting way to the beginning, tho (usually if one side starts with half a ripple /, the other side ends with the other half \ for example)

1 dc in next ch) 5 times.

Rep from * to last 4 ch. Sk next ch (2 dc in next ch) 3 times. Turn. "




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