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Very Miffed and Disappointed!

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I try to always pick skiens that look like they are untampered with. And I make sure the strings are where they are suppose to be, one tucked in the middle hole, the other hanging out. I dunno if that helps any... maybe i'm just being anal!:lol



I would write the manufacturer. I had a problem with threads that lost their dye when I was blocking a doily. (ruined it, too). I wrote the company to see what I could do to help prevent this in the future, and let them know what happened. Not more than a week later, they wrote me back with helpful hints, and to apologize. Seems it happens alot with colored threads. Anywho, they also sent me 6 spools of threads just for my inconvience. I would let them know. maybe there is some helpful hints out there that could help everyone out when that problem pops up.:think

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It happens so often that it doesn't even surprise me anymore. I usually just move on. The thing that really annoyed me was labels that got glued to Homespun. My pet peeve for the day, lol.


Oooooooooooooooo! That has really ticked me off, too. I'm reading all the other posts thinking, yep, me too, yep, that makes me mad (specially with the expensive little balls you pay a fortune for to have a knot in it!


But then, I read this one about the glue on the Homespun and I think YEAH!:bang:yell:grumpy:tryme:thair:irk:rant :grump :box that one really ticks me off!




How funny, huh?

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I've had it happen to me once, I just cut it and started it like a new skein. It is annoying though.


I haven't had the homespun stuck to the label yet and I hope I never do, it would really irk me especially with what that stuff costs! You'd think they'd make it a point not to do that. :think

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I've had it happen to me once, I just cut it and started it like a new skein. It is annoying though.


I haven't had the homespun stuck to the label yet and I hope I never do, it would really irk me especially with what that stuff costs! You'd think they'd make it a point not to do that. :think


You're mighty lucky then! I've already run across TWO balls of my $5.99 yarn with knots in them, who knows how many more I'll run into before I finish the project I'm working on? :( And these balls only have about 130 yards on them! :angry


As far as the glue from the labels, I'm fairly certain those are added by machines. Contrary to popular belief, machines aren't perfect either. But it's certainly a failure at the Quality Control level that so many can go out the door like that. Until I learned the trick of sliding that label around, almost half of the skeins of Homespun I was getting were glued like that! :eek

There's really no excuse for that, nor for the knots either IMO. :grump

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I just this moment ran into the same issue! ARGH.:angry I have been very carefully trying to make a cool scarf for my sis for Christmas and ran into a big blob of yuck and a knot! It was expensive and beautiful and now I don't know if I can work my way around it.......:think

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