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Written Directions for Tunisian Ocean Stitch


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I have looked all over the Internet for written directions for the Tunisian Ocean Stitch, and the only one I found was both wrong AND woefully confusing. So after watching videos and correcting the faulty directions, I'm including them here in case anyone else needs them.

Tunisian Ocean Stitch

(multiple of 3 + 1)

Row 1: Pull up loop in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across.

RtnP: yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, *ch 2, yo, pull through 4 loops on hook (ch 3, sh made); rep from * to last 3 loops on hook, ch2, yo, pull through last 3 loops on hook (half sh made).

Row 2: ch1, sk half sh, *pull up loop in next ch, pull up loop in ch btw shells on foundation ch, sk next ch, pull up loop in next ch, sk next sh; rep from * across to last ch 3 and half shell. Pull up loop in next ch, pull up loop in ch btw shells on foundation ch, and pull up a loop in third ch before half shell. End by pulling up a loop under 2 vertical bars of last ch.

RtnP: *ch 2, yo, pull through 4 loops on hook; rep from * across to last 2 loops on hook, yo and pull through 2 loops.

Row 3: Pull up a loop between first vertical bar and first shell, *sk next sh, pull up loop in next ch, pull up loop on top of sh 1 row below, sk next ch, pull up loop in next ch; rep from * across to end, sk next sh, pull up loop in top of half sh 1 row below, pull up loop in last vert bar.

RtnP: yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, *ch 2, yo, pull through 4 loops on hook; rep from * across to last 3 loops on hook, ch 2, yo, pull through last 3 loops on hook.

Row 4: ch 1, sk half sh, *pull up loop in next ch, pull up loop on top of sh 1 row below, sk next ch, pull up loop in next ch, sk next sh; rep from * across to last ch 3 and half shell. Pull up loop in next ch, pull up loop in sh 1 row below, and pull up a loop in third ch before half shell. End by pulling up a loop under 2 vertical bars of last ch.

RtnP: *ch 2, yo, pull through 4 loops on hook; rep from * across to last 2 loops on hook, yo and pull through 2 loops.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 to desired length.

Bind off by placing 3 slip stitches in each ch-3 space across and in last stitch of row.

Edited to add: I bound off my afghan square last night and realized that the bind off I included here leaves holes across the top. So here's an alternative bind off: Works for either row (and, quite frankly, it really doesn't matter which row you bind off on): For every stitch the pattern tells you to pull up a loop in the top stitches (usually one of the chains in the chain 3), make a sc; for every stitch the pattern tells you to pull up a loop in a shell or a half shell one row below, do a dc in it. That will close up the holes and keep the stitches "in pattern."


Also note that in the video I linked to below, the instructor tells you NOT to do certain things (she doesn't say why, though). For example, she says do NOT go through both loops of the top of the shell, and she also says that after you go through the top of the shell, you MUST pull up a loop on the front side of the work. I did exactly what she said NOT to do, and it looks exactly like her stitches, so work these stitches in whatever way you think best.


And remember: Just like there are no knitting police, there are also no crochet police!!!

Edited by 2MuchYarn
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Interesting and generous of you to post your pattern. Can you post a photo of your interpretation of the stitch?

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This isn't my pattern. This is a written pattern for an existing stitch that is demonstrated in numerous videos (like this). But the written directions I found online were both incorrect and confusing, so I "edited" them for accuracy and to be more clear. And then I posted them here in case anyone else wanted to work from a written pattern rather than rewinding and replaying a video a million times when you get lost in the pattern.

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I was just curious if you had a photo of the stitches that you made something from. Thanks anyway.

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