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I've finally met some real-life fibre enthusiasts!

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I'm just totally thrilled, I just met some fiber-holics in real life (they spun, knitted and one wove). They were so lovely! I was at a fibre art show, and the pieces were stunning, but the best bit was that the ladies who were looking after it chatted with me for an hour!


I've learned everything fibre-related from the internet and books, and I've never found someone to talk to. They invited me to to their spinner's and weaver's group when it starts back up next year. They made me feel so welcome!


I've had a couple of bad experiences, with people who've been prejudiced because of my age (I'm 23). Once when I asked a lady how she made her scarf (it was in knitted short rows, and I'd just been reading about them the day before) she turned and started telling my aunt who doesn't know the first thing about knitting... That made me feel really sad.


I just had to share. I'd ben having such a bad few days (loads of worries, and fears) but talking to these two ladies cheered me up, and now I have something to look forward to. They told me they had some crocheters in their group too, I can't wait! :hook

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Hi there Natalie i am sorry your having some bad days. How ignorant of that woman to ignore you and speak to your aunt instead! Don't you ever feel put down by some one elses ignorance its a reflection on them not you. I read some where you'd been to Tauranga recently they have a fantastic spinning group, some of them were here this weekend at a spinning camp my craft group were holding. Some of our ladies were in NZ last year and met them quite by accident and were warmly welcomed.I could'nt go unfortunately.Anyway you enjoy the good times with these new ladies you've met. So long as you enjoy what you do it does'nt matter what anyone else thinks ok.:manyheart:hug:clap:cheer Jacqui

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I've never been worried about what people think :P I just thought that woman was so rude and so ignorant, when I was just trying to be nice and make conversation...


The ladies I was talking to at the fibre show told me that everyone in their group was very friendly, and that they'd love to meet me! I'm pretty sure I'll be happy to meet them too :D

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Hey Natalie have you ever entered any of your craft into a show or competition? My spinning wheel is a Marjacraft brand which is fron NZ and they hold a competition every year and have'nt had a great lot of entries by all accounts. If you go to http://www.Marjacraft you might be able to enter something they have to be 50% spun wool i think. But it does'nt have to be your own spinning if you have'nt got any maybe these ladies could sell you some. You should have a go its a great ego boost if nothing else.The prizes are good i think you can win a spinning wheel, and boy they are the best. Anyway you enjoy!

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Wow, the winners of this year's competition are gorgeous! No, I've never entrered a competition or anything, I've only been into this whole crafting thing for about 10 months, so there's no way any of my stuff is good enough. One day maybe :hook


Have you ever entered anything?

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Hi again, i have'nt entered the Marjacraft competition, but i've entered and won a few shows and few CWA competitions over the years. Its fun and sometimes suprising when you win, but mostly its just having a go. I entered my first show in a small town just to help keep the craft section open believe it or not. They were having problems getting enough entries. Thats how i started, then the next year i tried some different crafts. I think my first one was a latch hook rug and first prize was......$1.70. Don't laugh its true! So you are a novice, you enter the novice section. Have a go, its a bit of fun and you can't put the same stuff in, so you get experience because you make something a little more challenging the next time. If you win anything you feel really good, in my case i have'nt made a fortune as you can see. You ask the ladies you are meeting about their experience and how to enter, you will suprise yourself. If nothing else you'll gain a little more expertise in the craft.:hook:cheer Jacqui.

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Last time I was at the Reinassance (spelling right?) Faire, I sat down next to the 'spinners'. They were just older ladies tucked away in a corner of the Faire hand spinning and dying yarn.


They were really nice and I talked to them for about an hour...they directed me over to a tent that sold hand made wooden hooks. (now my favorite hook!).


I too have met older folks who are somewhat stand-offish to me about needlework stuff b/c of my age (in my 20's too). Its kinda irritating, because I already have to deal with my friends making fun of me for crocheting! lol well at least until I make them something nice. Then they stop making fun for awhile :P


Its nice to meet cool people that are into the same stuff you are, no matter the age! :)



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I'm a spinner in my mid 40's and most of the ladies i spin with are elderly but we encourage everyone ,all ages and now i'm not the youngest in the group. We have 10 year old girls and even a couple of boys wanting to drop spindle. So one lady made a bunch of CD spindles and goes to one of the schools and teaches. The kids are all hooked now!We teach other crafts to like felting, crochet ,knitting , top stitching and weaving.

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Isn't that great? My LYS ladies are fantastic, they are constantly telling me I should come to their knitting circle, even if I'm crocheting something (my knitting isn't that strong). One of these days I WILL take them up on it.

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