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How to SC around ear flaps?



I'm a newbie and my very first project is this for my infant son: https://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2019/06/crochet-bernat-bear-hat.html


Forgive me for decribing this so weirdly but I'm still learning how to crochet: I can't figure out how to SC around the ear flaps; the edges of the row look weird to me with no clear "V"s like a chain or edge of a SC or DC stitch. I don't know what stitches to SC into. Do I just kind of wing it and SC into any open gaps along the edge of the ear flaps? 

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Cute hat!

The thing about crochet that is pretty cool is it's flexibility.  There are LOTS of ways to put a stitch into another stitch.  There are even multiple ways to use the "v" loops at the top of a sc or other stitch: both loops, front loop, back loop, back loop and a loop behind and below for special stitches...

In your case, when you need to work into the side of the stitch, pick something that looks good to you and be consistent.  One common way is to put the hook around the whole SC stitch, or twice around a taller DC*, but you could also pick a strand or 2 on the side of the stitch.  Experiment a little, there's no 'right' way.

Pro tip:  Your pattern's photo shows edging in the same color, which is the easiest/looks best.  When you edge in a different color, it can look jaggedy; the trick is, (using your bear hat as an example), if you wanted a brown edge around the blue, go around first with blue SC (so you are making the jaggedy part in the same color, so it doesn't really "show"), then go around again in brown, so all the stitches are made into the usual stitch-top "v", and will look all nice and even.

*edited for clarity: 1 stitch around the whole SC stitch, or 2 stitches around the post of a DC stitch.

Edited by Granny Square
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