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Am I putting my sweater together the right way?



Hey everyone,

I am ready to put my sweater together and my pattern just says sew seams together. I want to know the best method for sewing the shoulder seams together. I watched several tutorials but all of them suggest different methods. 

The most suggested is the slip stitch join but it leaves a ridge. Is there supposed to be a ridge? Is there a method that is as secure as this method that doesn’t leave a ridge?

what are some of the ways you join the shoulders?

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1 answer to this question

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Any crochet-together method is going to leave a ridge on the back side; slst will leave a smaller ridge than sc.  BUT, shoulder seams are what hold the whole sweater "up" if you think about it--it all hangs from the shoulder.  I've used slst seams, the ridge never bothered me comfort-wise (and I make worsted weight tops for warmth, so big ridges), and I suspect it's  sturdier than hand-sewing.

A second choice would be mattress stitch, but depending on your stitch pattern, could leave more or less of a ridge depending on where you need to place the seam, in order to  get the nicest look on the public side,  The upside is that it's usually close to invisible on the right side, which is nice when you are working across colored stripes--you don't want to see the seam yarn.

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