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Need help with border

Gretchen van der Merwe


beginner cardi

Dont seem to get my border right.  ont Bord er
Row 1: With RS facing and size K hook, beg
at lower front corner to work up Front edge,
working in multiples of 3 plus 2 sts, join (see
Pattern Notes) in end of first row, ch 1, 2 hdc in
end of same row as beg ch-1, evenly sp hdc in
ends of rows up Front edge, 2 hdc in shoulder
seam, hdc in each st across Back, 2 hdc in
shoulder seam, evenly sp hdc in ends of rows
down rem Front edge, ending with 2 hdc in end
of last row, turn.
Row 2: Work row 1 of Stitch Pattern.
Rows 3–16: Work row 2 of Stitch Pattern. At
end of last row, fasten off. ■

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2 answers to this question

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Hi and welcome to the ville!  Just FYI, it's a good idea to start a new thread if you have a question on a different pattern, this thread was started about a Lion Brand baby throw.


What part of the instructions are you questioning?  


General thoughts around borders, sometimes you have to 'fudge' a little to get them to come out right as in the front where it wants a specific number (like multiple of 3, plus 2), example sneak in a decrease or increase somewhere.  "evenly space" over the row ends just means to place your stitches so they don't cause the edge to ruffle or pucker (sort of like fudging to get the count right, except in this case you are going for a flat fabric instead of a count).  The amount and frequency that you add or subtract stitches will depend on your tension and might require some trial and error.

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