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My Problem Chevron



I'm so determined to do this correctly so I ripped it apart again. My Single Crochet Chevron pattern says to chain in multiples of 11 so,currently I have 177 then it said to add two more so this brings the number of stitches to 179 which makes it an odd number which doesn't make sense to me. Then at the end I am to SC twice in the last stitch. On the return I have to chain one then SC twice in the first stitch from the hook.

Shouldn't I be chaining at an odd number then add two to the end making it an even number?

What I mean, chain 175 then adding the two bringing the count to 177?

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4 answers to this question

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i think it is this pattern, correct? http://www.bhookedcrochet.com/2015/05/28/single-crochet-chevron-stitch/


To practice it, just make a swatch of two or three repeats of the pattern multiple. That way you can figure out any problems much faster.

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A multiple of 11 doesn't need to be an odd number, it will be an even number if the multiple is even. 


177 isn't a multiple of 11...neither is 175.....176 is, however (11 times 16).  However, if you've chained 1 too many, it's no big deal, in fact when I encounter a pattern that says to chain more than 100 I often add a few, even if I've counted.  It's easy to miscount a large number, and (for me) easier to un-pick unused chains at the knot end versus facing the aggravation of being 1 chain short.

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I think the directions are off by 1 ch.  I think after you add the 2 extra ch, beyond the multiple of 11, you do not need to ch one more to start the row.  I didn't make it, but sketched a diagram of it.


you start the pattern with sc in 2nd ch from hook: 1 ch is the turning ch and then you stitch into 1 ch, so that uses 2 chs, which are the 2 extra you add to the 11 multiple). at this point if you had done the additional ch1 as the pattern says, you'd have one too many.


 then the main part that is repeated across the row is sc into 4 chs (uses 4 chs), skip 2 ch (uses 2 chs), sc in 4 ch (uses 4 chs), then 3 sc into 1 ch (uses 1 ch)....so 4+2+4+1 =11.  


Granny Square, does that seem right to you?  


eta---also the very last time you do the 11-stitch repeat, you end with only 2 sc in the last chain, instead of 3.  

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I hope I'm not having access issues again, I seem to have trouble posting.  Hope if this works...


I get a chain of 11 + 2.  The same 11 stitches per 'ripple unit', plus 1 for the turning chain, plus 1 because it ends with a hilltop (the first 1 stitch of what would be the next 'ripple unit' if you were continuing).

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