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Enchanted Bolero by Pierrot Yarns Pattern Help Needed

Vanessa Wee


Hi all,


With the help of many villagers from this community, i have managed to finish the back and right front of the pattern.


How should i start off the right left?? Can i work as per how i did it for the right front and flipped it over as left?


Also, what does reverse shaping means? Actually i would also need some explanation on shaping?


Apologies for my many question as its my first project.

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5 answers to this question

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Reverse shaping means what you guessed it means - work it as the other side but in reverse. Example if the first side said: on row x, begin armhole shaping at the beginning of the row, and shape the neckline at the end of the row, on the second side you'd start row x with the neck shaping and end it with the armhole shaping.


Since crochet doesn't look the same in the front and back, this ensures that the stitches look the same when looking straight across at both pieces together, at the front and at the seams.  (You'll want to have the back side facing the same way as the fronts when you seam).

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In all honesty, I personally would probably make the second front just like the first front, then flip it over.  That is the simplest way for me to create a mirror-image shape.


My rationale is that there are "right" and "wrong" side rows in the fabric, either way you work it.  They won't match up across the pieces but I don't think it will really be noticeable, especially since this is a very openwork fabric.  The chain sttiches should look about the same from either side.  The cluster/puff stitches are likely to look somewhat different from different sides, but it is a 3-row repeat so you will have them showing from both sides anyway.  


But you should know that what Granny Square described is the correct way to do reverse shaping.


Hmmm, took another look at the pattern.....if you have completed the back, you have already done reverse shaping there, since the diagram only shows half of the back piece.  You will also be doing reverse shaping on the sleeve.   "shaping" just means adjusting the stitches to form a particular shape.

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Hi Granny Square & MagicCrochetFan, 


Thanks for the advice. But I still don't quite get it on the right way to do the reverse shaping. 


Can anyone kindly translate the 1st 3 rows pattern instruction for me to get a better idea?


For right front the instruction is :


ch 33 then ch 1 and sc into 2nd ch from the loop and start on row 1,


at the end of row 1 (sc in the last ch), ch 5 to begin row 2. 


I manage to complete the back with the assumption that the back left and right should be the same instruction as in at end of row, ch 5 to start new row. 


But i observed that for right front, the left and right sides have different instruction, therefore im stuck with trying to reverse the instruction. 

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linking the pdf http://gosyo.co.jp/english/pattern/eHTML/ePDF/1504/Enchantee_Bolero.pdf


You said, "I manage to complete the back with the assumption that the back left and right should be the same instruction as in at end of row, ch 5 to start new row. "  really you are halfway there with that statement, you know a chain3 at begining of row will be a dc at end of row, and so on.


for the front, basically you want to work it as diagrammed, but in the opposite direction on every row.  so the diagram shows row 1 worked from left to right.  to reverse, work from right to left.  you will begin the row with ch1, sc; and end it with sc.  Row will be from left to right; begin with ch5 and end with c2, dc.  row 9 will begin with sc, and end with dc into the last chain  (or maybe a triple crochet stitch, if the dc is too tight to lay nicely).  row 10 will begin with ch3, sc; and end with ch2, dc.  row 11 will begin with ch1, sc; and end with ch1, dc.  


See if you can give it a try...it may make more sense when you can actually see the piece grow.

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Hi MagicCrochetFan & Granny Square, 


Thanks for your detailed explanation. Will head back home and try it out immediately after work today. 


Also, thanks for all the kind words in your replies. Your kind words made me more motivated and not afraid to post any question when in doubts. :manyheart  

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