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Tight Foundation Chains?



So I'm working on a pullover sweatshirt pattern I plan to alter a bit so I can use it to make a graph sweatshirt, and I started by making a quick swatch of the pattern so I can do the stitch adjustments needed.


However [and I've noticed this many times before], it starts with a chain and then single crochet row. These stitches tend to be tight compared to the rest of the piece being worked. Do I need to do a foundation SC stitch, should I work the foundation chain with a bigger hook, or what? I've always been confused on the subject and figured I should finally ask.

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3 answers to this question

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i usually use a bigger hook for the beginning chain, sometimes have to go up more than one size. .  If I use a foundation stitch sometimes i use a bigger hook for that as well, usually only 1 size bigger in that case.  .


bottom line, do whatever works for you to have the beginning the way you want it.  

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I agree with Kathy.  I prefer doing foundation SC (FSC) stitches, but either using a bigger hook for the foundation chain or doing FSC would work.  It's important that the initial chain either way is looser than normal chains.  For either one, try pinching the chain before you make the next chain.  This helps me from making them too tight.

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