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Brain Freeze



A simple pattern for the most but for some reason I am not getting it.


  Magic circle, work 7 sc. Join.


  ch1, work 2 sc in same space and ea sc around

       ( I place my 2 sc into that ch 1, right?)


  ch3, hdc in same space (what space of the ch3 does the hdc go into?...top or base of ch3?)


 On another row it states to sc in next ch2 sp, ch3, sc in same sp (sc into the ch 3 but what sp?)


Thank you 



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3 answers to this question

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The same space means at the base of that stitch. The chains come up from a regular stitch, and so it has the usual v hidden under the chain. You crochet in that.


Then the ch2 space is the little hole that is created when you chain and skip a stitch. You then put your hook in that space as if it was a very loose stitch, so basically your stitch ends up around the chain.


I hope you understood that! If not, feel free to ask more questions or to wait for someone else to explain better! :)

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ShanaEirin explained it well.  I just want to add a thought...


When you start a new row/round, you crochet into the stitch after the turning chain or into the same stitch as the turning chain.  When a pattern wants you to start in the stitch after the turning chain, it will say "next."  When it wants you to start in the same stitch, it will say "same space as."

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