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Color showing through




So, I am having a problem and I am trying to figure out the solution. I think I may have an idea, but probably won't try it until tomorrow. 

I taught myself how to create my own pattern on a graph and thought I would try out a new scarf with the pattern. I know how to change colors for rows or even one little spot on an item; however, I am attempting to crochet lettering within the scarf. I have been crocheting test letters and while the letters look okay, I cannot for the life of me get the 2nd color of yarn to really hide when I carry it along. I know that it is probably just the way it is and honestly, I wouldn't care if it was just on one side because I could crochet a back cover for it, but it keeps showing up on both sides because of me turning my work. 

I do try and crochet it in on top, but it still shows through. I was wondering if I could somehow guide it to only show through on one side? Like, maybe I can hold it in the front when I go one way and in the back when I am going the opposite way? Had anyone ever tried this and got it to work? As I said, I do not care if it shows through on one side...
The colors are black and yellow, so it really and obviously stands out in between the stitches, lol. 

Any help would be much appreciated! 

OH! And in your opinions, do letters show up cleaner when doing sc? I was testing it with hdc, but it looked a bit too big, so to speak. 

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7 answers to this question

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If you don't mind the color you're carrying showing through on one side, then mark the right side.  As you switch colors, always move your old color to the wrong side.  If you always move it to the same side, then it will only show through on that side.  Typically row 1 is the right side.

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The shorter the stitch, the more it will hide the other color.


You might consider intarsia, where you don't carry the color all the way across and use little bobbins of yarn dangling from your work.  This makes more little ends to weave in.


You could also try going down a hook size, but there's a line where you end up with a too-stiff scarf if you do that.

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I tried the dangling, but I found that I do not have the patience to weave in the loose ones. I haven't tried doing sc with it, so I will definitely try it tomorrow, as well as a smaller hook size. I have an idea when it comes to the hook size and stiffness, so at least I have that part going for me, haha.

Thank you so much for your reply!

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Thank you for your replies!  :) 

I tried the intarsia and I think it would be easier for me if it wasn't lettering. No matter what I do, it just doesn't look clean (the lettering) to me. Keep in mind, I have never done a pattern with colors before, other than the normal stripes, but still...I am kind of disappointed that I am not getting it, lol. 

I have decided, however, that I will try the cross-stitch method. I have noticed that many folks use this method and their work looks so clean and perfect. 

Thank you again for the help!  :ty

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