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Confusing Instructions please help

Ann Soules-Woelki


Hello all, My daughter bought this pattern off Etsy and I've been trying to crochet it up for her but have run into a snag. I've asked the seller and haven't gotten a response so hopefully someone here might be able to point out the obvious to me. 


Rows 38-40: Sl st in in the 2nd st. Ch 2. *2 dcs in the next ch2 loop; ch 2; 2 dcs in the same ch2 loop. Repeat from * 4 times. 1 dc in the 2nd next st. Turn around.


Row 41: Sl st in the 2nd st. Sl st in the next st. Sl st in the next st. Ch 2; 1 dc in the 1st ch2 loop (of previous row). *2 dcs in the next ch2 loop; ch 2; 2 dcs in the same ch2 loop. Repeat from * 2 more times. 2 dcs in the next ch2 loop. Turn around. 


Rows 42-44: Sl st in the 1st st; ch 2; 1 dc in the next st. *2 dcs in the next ch2 loop; ch 2; 2 dcs in the same ch2 loop. Repeat from * 4 more times. 1dc in the 3rd next st; 1 dc in the next st. Turn around. 



The problem I'm having is I am short two chain two loops. I don't know where they go or how I am suppose to get them back if I am to repeat 4 more times. 

If anyone could offer some insight that would be fantastic 

Thanks so much 

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10 answers to this question

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I've been thinking about your post, but am as confused as you are.   It doesn't make since that it tells you to make 5 shells in rows 38-40 and 42-44, but only 3 shells in row 41.  Others must be confused, too, because normally you'd have several responses by now. 


If I were you, I'd contact the pattern's author and ask.

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welcome to the ville!   Unfortunately It seems that there are a fair number of sellers on etsy who offer no customer support at all.  I also wonder if English is not her first language.


if you could link to the page on etsy so we could at least see the object, that might help.  Also did you look on Ravelry to see if the pattern is listed there?  Someone may have helpful info in project notes.  

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im not a pro at crocheting.  been crocheting for pretty close to 30 yrs now. alot of stuff still confuses me. but i can usually get by with a pattern infront of me . i did fine on this pattern did everything all the way up to the last 4 rows of the sleeves. an cannot for the life of me figure them out. and like i posted before my daughter has tried to contact this lady several times , she wont answer us back. Im bout ready to post the sleeve part of this pattern here. and see if someone might be able to figure out what i might be doin wrong. and go from there with copy right if there is one. i just dont think its very fair of her to charge us money for her pattern and wont answer our questions about there pattern

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I agree with you Ann, the pattern should be complete and clear.   


Pls review the site guidelines before you post a big chunk of the pattern.  they are in the Town HAll forum section.  

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Just wondering if you found out anything  yet.  I worked the rows you posted and to me it seems it should only be repeat 2 times for those rows too and the 4 times is a mistake. Also looking at one of the projects on Ravelry that looks like it is done too.

It does go from 5 shells to 3  as that is the open part that sits on the shoulder and then connects to the top part.

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I have to thank everyone that has come to my aid. my daughter has been in contact finaly with this lady and she insist that the rows are right and  the ones i am having problems with are the decrease rows. i have no problems with the decrease at all, but i have to agree with you sarisue. im goin to go with what you have said. everything ive read that ppl have posted about this pattern. they have loved it it crochet up quick and have had no problems at all with it. except one lady who wrote that she need to be a little more precise in her pattern. she didnt say what the problem was tho. again thank you everone and May God Bless you all 


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So Glad it helped. I am wondering does the pattern have you do the parts separately or do you do the top from the sleeves?

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