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So confused, please help with pattern



I'm new here and I've been crocheting for about 4 months. I Want to make this sweater, and have made the yoke. Thought it would be the hardest part, but the body has me baffled. Here is the pattern.




I'm stuck at row six. First if all when I end row 5 I'm at the front of the sweater, not anywhere near the arm hole. Then just translating row 6, I'm just not seeing it. Please help. I've invested so much time in this I don't want to give up.



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okay...Row 6 (7) (8): ch2, turn, dc to ch 1 space, dc in ch 1 space, skip to next ch 1 space, dc in ch 1 space, forming an arm hole, dc to next ch 1 space, dc in ch 1 space, skip to next ch 1 space, dc in ch 1 space, forming the second arm hole, dc across.


You have 4 chain 1 spaces.


This is what you're going to do:    chain 2 and turn,  double crochet in each double crochet until the chain 1 space, double crochet in the chain 1 space.

 THEN, skip over all the double crochet (other words DON"T do any double crochets)

at the next chain one space work a double crochet 

double crochet in each double crochet until the next chain 1 space and work a double crochet in that,  

THEN, skip over all the double crochets,

at the next chain one space work a double crochet,

work double crochet until the end of the row.


I only worked two rows but it should look like this.   


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Great visual!


Yeah, the first time you run into this construction you're thinking ??what??, but then realize how ingenious it is to make sleeves, heck the whole sweater without seaming.


I have found that if you think there is a mistake in a pattern, to just follow the instructions (that you think are wrong) for at least a bit.  Yes, there are buggy patterns, but also ones with odd looking instructions that you will be surprised 'work'.  


edit-Glo, we were typing at the same time.  For the sleeve, you just attach the yarn at the underarm, and work in the round, making some decreases so it's narrower at the wrist.  

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I've done a couple of tops like this.   The first time it threw me off as well.   The other thing about this pattern is, she doesn't state if the chain at the beginning counts as a stitch or not.  Also doesn't say what the stitch count is at the end of the rows.  Which some patterns are like that.

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I've never done a sweater like this. Even when you wrote it out it didn't click. I couldn't figure out how to get to the next chain 1 without making the DC across. Then I read your translation (especially the Capital letters!) again and had that DUH moment. Thank you again!!!! Reading patterns has been very hard since I used YouTube to get me started. I'm excited about finding this site and forum. I'll post a picture when done!????

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If I had done all 5 rows and be on the 6th one, I could have given the number of DC to skip.   But then I did the first couple and posted the picture knowing giving you a 'visual' you would most likely to get it.    I'm left handed so when working on a pattern and the front pieces are done separate, I need to reverse the fronts and/or attach yarn at the opposite side for which it calls.   SO   a right front becomes the left and the left becomes the right.

I'm sure you'll do fine - and if you get 'stuck' - I'll keep and eye out.   Glad to be of help.

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Annie's Attic has excellent videos for learning.




also, without being able to look 'inside' this book.


The better books will have left hand and right hand illustrations (drawings of stitches in two colors to see where to put your hook)

explains about hooks, yarn weights, how to read patterns and repeats. 

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