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Help with Dogwood Doily



Hi all :)


I've been trying to do the pattern Dogwood Doily, but I can't get past the second and third rows, wondering if anyone can help me, I tried to print out pictures, but I can't see up close enough to figure it out, pattern is confusing. 

Row 1 says: ch 7, join with sl st to form a ring, ch 5 dc in ring, (ch 2, dc in ring) 10 times, ch 2, sl st in third ch of ch 5 first made.

Row 2 says:  5 tr over next ch 2, tr in next dc, twice, ch 2, tr in next dc, repeat.  Okay did that.

Row 3 say: tr in each of next 11 tr, 2 tr in next tr, ch 5, 2 tr in first tr of next tr group.  This is not making a dogwood pattern in the center at all.  I did exactly what it says, maybe it's missing something? LOL 

Row 4 says: tr in each of next 13 tr, 2 tr in next tr, ch 5, sc over ch 5, 2 tr in first tr of next tr grp. 


I'm not getting the 4 different petals of the dogwood flower doing this. :(   Anyone knowing how to make a dogwood flower please can you help, would be so appreciated. :)
Thank you,




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7 answers to this question

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I've done rnds1-2 and the pattern is right so far and rnd 3 seems to be right too. I will keep working on it and get back soon and take a picture later. You should have 4  batches of tr's with a chain between them.  Later on it decreaces and will start looking more like a dogwood flower.

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Just eyeballing it, it looks like by row 2 you should start to have petals forming.  


in row 2 you have groups of 5 dc together--these are the base of each petal.  In the following rows you have increasing numbers of triples together--the petals are getting wider.  Between the petals you are forming chain loop netting.


Is this the pattern?


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I've done 4 rnds. and it's working good so far. Mine is a little wavy but that straightened out with the last rnd. What where you having a problem with?



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sarisue,  Yes that is the pattern, "doilybox.com" Now I know I am doing something wrong here, because I only have 3 petals made?  It is the third round that I am not getting, says, (tr in each of next 11 tr) I am only crocheting in the top of each triple.  Not in any chain space.  So by the time I am done with round 3, I end up with only 3 petals started.  LOL  12 spokes do not equal the 11 tr, plus tr in next dc, twice.  Yours looks great! LOL 

   Am going to sit here and crochet and look at the picture you posted to see if that will help me...,

Thank you for  trying to help me,


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sarisue,  Just wanted to tell you thank you so much for the picture, it helped a lot, and I now have it. Yeah!  What I was doing wrong was, in row 3, it said (5 tr over next ch 2, tr in next dc) Twice.  I was triple crocheting "twice" into the next double crochet, so had way less stitches. 


Can I just say, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words? LOL  thank you again for trying this out and showing me the picture, I am very grateful :) 



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sarisue,  Just wanted to tell you thank you so much for the picture, it helped a lot, and I now have it. Yeah!  What I was doing wrong was, in row 3, it said (5 tr over next ch 2, tr in next dc) Twice.  I was triple crocheting "twice" into the next double crochet, so had way less stitches. 


Can I just say, A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words? LOL  thank you again for trying this out and showing me the picture, I am very grateful :) 



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So glad it helped. Your thanks made me feel better now too as lately I am slowing down, and having problems saying and doing what I want. My kids won't let me blame it on my advancing age though.LOL

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