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Dishcloth - changing too many colours?

Candice Borghardt


It started off as an easy project, I just want to crochet a dishcloth!

Then I figured I could do some fun stuff with it by making different designs with it, after all it's just a square right?


Essentially my problem is that the designs I've chosen change colours a lot, so I end up with loose threads everywhere, and tucking them into the project doesn't work well due to the fact that it's a 2D project and there's just too many of the threads. Is there a way to get around this? I know I can skip over it if it's only a few stitches but it tends to be too long to be able to do that.


Would knitting be better? I crochet on a more regular basis but I do have the supplies and I can knit. I've also thought of making a base colour square and then sewing the design onto it instead (by crocheting the design as well and then sewing it on)


The designs I've chosen are superhero themed. I tried starting out with the green lantern because I thought it would be an easier one to try first, but I still ended up with threads everywhere :(


For those who aren't familiar with the design I attached a picture of what design I was attempting. Note I didn't include the circle around the logo, just the inner logo itself.


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2 answers to this question

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When I'm crocheting something like this, not sure how u change the colors, but I was taught, instead of keeping on cutting the yarn off when u are finished with the row, just keep that color underneath the other. Like in your pic, white and green logo. When u finish using green on one line, then bring it to the bottom and use white over it, so u are bringing the green with u but u just can't see it because u crochet over it. Gosh I hope that makes sense. Like literally crochet over the color, loop over and stuff, have it on top of the row u just finished and crochet over that. Then when u need the other color switch, and use green and crochet over the white. I hope u know what I mean, but that's how I was taught to do on smaller projects like that.

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welcome to the ville :hook


I think the main technique that would help you is intarsia. http://www.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/lionbrand/displayCustomerProjects.fcgi?projectKey=74427&displayType=lit


 Laurinda Reddig has a method of reversible intarsia  http://www.amazon.com/Reversible-Color-Crochet-New-Technique-ebook/dp/B00KI2JVAA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410722432&sr=8-1&keywords=laurinda+reddig  you should be able to get the book via your local library.  also some tutorials on her blog http://www.recrochetions.com/p/tutorials.html    the colorwork on her picture vest is pretty amazing http://www.recrochetions.com/2012/07/making-reversible-rowan-tree-vest.html


also look for other references on intarsia, other authors/bloggers will have info and different methods I think.  


Also you might want to look at http://www.tapestrycrochet.com Carol Ventura's site

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