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Pattern Help



I'm crocheting a blanket but it doesn't look like it does in the photo and I don't know whether it's just because I'm still at the beginning or because I'm doing it wrong.

The bulk of the pattern says to do: 3ch, 2tr in same stitch, *3tr, 2ch, 3tr in the next ch-2sp, rep from *to end, 3tr in top or turning ch from row below

I've uploaded a photo of how my work looks, and one with a small section of how the pattern should look

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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8 answers to this question

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This is a variation of a 'v' stitch, where you put x stitches, y chains, x stitches into the same spot that you made y chains in the row below.


Sometimes new crocheters have questions about chains, and think they need to go INTO another stitch.  They don't, they just go 'into the air' between stitches.  I'm wondering if you are getting the spiral because you are trying to make the chains INTO the chains below?  


Hard to do with typing, but it should look like



Not like



Here is a swatch - I've made an X at each 2-chain space.


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it's hard fro me to see in the photo, but it looks like it curling up.  Like it's bigger on the outside than the inside.  


the first thing i think of is that there are different terms for stitches in the system used in the UK/Australia vs the terms used in the US.  A UK triple is the same thing as a US double.  So if you are making a US triple in a space that should hold a US double, your proportions will be off.  


What was the first row (or maybe couple of rows)?  It looks like your foundation may be too small for the shells.  

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It is curling up a lot, I thought maybe it might start to uncurl as I went along but I think not haha I had to start off making 70 ch then the foundation row said to work 2tr in the 4th ch from hook, *sk 2ch, 3tr, 2ch, 3tr in the next ch, rep from * to end, sk 2ch, 3tr in last ch, turn.

I haven't been crocheting the ch stitches in between the 3tr stitches into the row below

I've attached the guide to the treble stitches they've given me, don't know if that helps!


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I assumed UK terms in the swatch I added to my earlier post, meaning I used US doubles--Ravelry lists the pattern source as DMC Creative World UK.


This isn't 'proof', but I've found US patterns are likely to say ch3, UK patterns are likely to say 3ch.  


A better proof however is that if it was US triples, the typical number of chains would be 4.


An interesting note on your pattern's foundation row - agreeing with Kathy - since I didn't have that info when I made the swatch, I skipped 4 stitches, and after the fact realized I should have skipped 5.  Skipping 2 on the foundation row doesn't sound right to me.  Usually this sort of pattern will keep the number of stitches the same (not counting the chain spaces) - in other words, you are cramming 6 US DC into 1 stitch.  Therefore, skipping 5 keeps the number of stitches the same (as if you had made 1 stitch each into 6 stitches).  I hope that makes sense.

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Also would this apply to the other rows too?


I believe the first row is the only one where you have to count stitches to know how many to skip.  After the first shell row, you will be basing each shell in the chain space at the top of the previous row's shell. 

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What she said ^.  Also, this will undoubtedly affect the number that you need to chain for the foundation.


What you could do is chain for a little longer than the length you want, turn, follow the pattern until you are close to the end, turn, and continue your pattern.  Later you can unpick the unused chains and weave the end in.  It won't unravel from that direction.

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