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Could someone please help me with a crochet pattern?



Hello everyone.  I'm crocheting a baby romper and I'm stuck on the dividing row.  I can't post the whole pattern because it's copy righted but here is some of it. I'm using 2 colors, One color for odd rows and repeat with 2nd color on even rows. Dividing row for buttonhole: Row 69-70: Ch1, sl st in first 3 sts, ch 1 sc in same st as last sl st, work in pattern across next 17 sts, working in front lps only, work in pattern across next 4 sts (which I've done) leaving rem sts unworked. Mark this row as RS. Row 71-work in pattern across row to last st, leaving last st unworked.  Row 72-work same as all other even rows except work 2 sc in first ch-2 sp instead of 2 dc for buttonhole.  73-80: work 3 rows of pattern, then 1 buttonhole row twice.  (I think I understand this).Shoulder shaping- Row 81-82: work in pattern across 12 sts, leaving rem sts unworked. Row 83-84: ch1 sl st in next 2 sts, ch 1 sc in same st as last sl st, work in pattern across row. Row 85-86: work in pattern across 10 sts, leaving rem sts unworked. 87 & 88: ch1, sl st in each next 2 sts, ch, sc in same st as last sl st, work in pattern across row. The confusing part is leaving rem sts unworked but then told to work across pattern.  I must be reading it wrong because when I work across the pattern, I have no division. What am I doing wrong.  Please help. Thank you. 

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6 answers to this question

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I'm thinking it might mean to stop the row there, after making the 10 stitches.  Then you work on the 10 stitches, turning with each row.  That should give you a narrow piece for the strap.

Anyone else???

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I'm thinking it might mean to stop the row there, after making the 10 stitches.  Then you work on the 10 stitches, turning with each row.  That should give you a narrow piece for the strap.

Anyone else???



This. Leaving the stitches at the end of the row unworked is shortening the length of the rows, which will give you the shaping you want in the final piece. It's a method of decreasing for shaping. 

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Thank you. I've attached a picture of the romper.  Using same colors.  My confusion is I don't see the word(s) "turn" or "work back and forth on short row". I guess it's just implied.  I've never worked a division before. So this is all new and when it states to work across pattern, I don't see the division. The name of the pattern is Little Boy's Blue Romper  by Belinda "Bendy" Carter. I purchased through epattern central. I think I know what to do, I just want to make sure. Thanks again. 


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>>>>>Row 85-86: work in pattern across 10 sts, leaving rem sts unworked. 87 & 88: ch1, sl st in each next 2 sts, ch, sc in same st as last sl st, work in pattern across row. The confusing part is leaving rem sts unworked but then told to work across pattern.<<<<<<

yes you just use those  10 stitches  the pattern doesn't say turn but maybe it says it somewhere at the start of the pattern. You work across the 10 stitches for row 85 and turn do 86 the same, then when you turn you will be doing rows 87 and and then 88, you sl st in 2 stitches, ch 1 and do a sc in the same place as the 2nd sl st and work in pattern for the rest of the stitches.


the division comes because you will be doing one side of the front and then the other side in the same amount of stitches.

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Thanks for the help everyone.  I guess it should have been obvious, but I try to follow patterns from A to Z.  If  c, g, e is skipped,  I get a little lost.  I am now on the right track. Yea. Hoping it comes out right once I put it all together. Thanks again. 

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