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Need help please.





Can anyone help me with the below.




Rnd 1: Now working in rnds, ch 3, dc in each st across, ch 42 [44, 46, 48] (arm- hole), sk ends of rows, working in starting ch on opposite side of row 1, dc in each of first 2 chs, [sk next dc, dc in each of next 3 chs] across ending with dc in each of last 2 chs, ch 42 [44, 46, 48] (armhole), join (see Pattern Notes) in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

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I don't have the magazine, but is it from Crochet! Magazine, from March 2011?  http://www.crochetmagazine.com/corrections/pdfs/22141_Errata.pdf


Have you seen the errata http://www.crochetmagazine.com/corrections/pdfs/22141_Errata.pdf  see page 7


The Crochet! magazine pattern was designed by Drops/Garnstudio.  This (may be) the same pattern, but without the sleeves.  http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/us/pattern.php?id=4460〈=us


If I'm on the right track with the right pattern...the sleeveless pattern (last link) has a diagram, which is what I was looking for.  This appears to be very similar to the circle jacket help thread I linked to in my first post.  The sleveless Drops diagram also makes it clear what is going on.  You have made a rectangle for the upper back, now you are going to work around that rectangle in an oval shape.  The sides of the rectangle will be the back armhole opening.  The chains are the foundation for the front armhole opening.  The oval will become the fronts, collar, and bottom back.

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Granny thanks.

Yes it is March 2011.. but I couldn't find the code.
The last pattern "sleeveless" yes it is similar.

For the sides; does it means to work dc first then ch 42 or whatever he size I choose then go on with the instructions I stopped and couldn't understand the rest; am I going to ch 42 again???

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Sorry, life got in the way for a couple of days.


Ok, you have made a rectangle for the top back.


Now, where you typed 'sides', you will be working across the rectangle just like before, exept at the end of the row you will chain 42(this is the first armhole), turn the piece around 180 degrees (same side facing you - try not to twist the chain - the chain will be spanning across the side of the rectangle) - work across the bottom of the rectangle (this is the underside of your foundation chain), chain 42 again (this is the second armhole), turn again, same side facing and without twisting, and join where you started.


So now you have a rectangle with big chain holes on each side that should look like the diagram at the very bottom of the Drops pattern (hopefully the Crochet! mag has a diagram too - if it doesn't, it should).

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Rnd 4: Sc in each of first 62 sts and chs across top edge, dc in each st and ch around each armhole and bottom edge, do not join.


Thanks Sarisue

sc across the top 62 stitches and chains, then sc in the stitches and the chains around the armhole, then sc across the bottom edge, then around the armhole stitches.

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Hi Granny,


There is something confuses me how the pattern says in Row 2 "inc 1 dc at each side on next row by working 2 dc in first and last sts, then rep inc when piece measures 6 inches from beg. (62 [68, 74, 78] dc at end of last row)"


If I follow the instructions and increase every row 1dc from the right and 1dc from the left till it measures 6 inches; it won't end with 78 dc!?


Next rows: Work even until piece measures 8 1/4 [8 1/4, 9, 9 1/2] inches from beg. 

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You only increase twice,

Do this>>>>>>Row 2 "inc 1 dc at each side on next row by working 2 dc in first and last sts,  then work even untill it reaches the 6 inches and do it again then.

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You don't keep increasing you do it the once then work even till 6 inches then increase once again then work even. It will only be 4 increases

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