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These darn directions! First timer woes :)



Can anyone help me decipher these directions? I am working on a toddler sweater. The body is done and I am moving onto the right front:

Row 1 (Rs) - Sc in next St, [dc in next, sc in next, dc in next st] 7 times, sc in next 0 st. ( Zero????? what the heck?) ch 1, turn; leave remaining stc unworked for armholes, back, and left front ----14 stcs.  Okay now didn't they just say to sc/dc 7 times and leave the rest? SO where is this 14 stcs coming from and where would they go on my work? Right now I have a row of 7 and one chain to turn...that's it. Anyone out there know what I should be doing?

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welcome to the ville :hook


those instructions look kind of mangled to me.  What exactly is the pattern?  Where can we see it?


the "----14 sts " is just telling you that you have made 14 stitches in the preceding instructions.  it is very common in patterns to give a stitch count at the end of a row, and very helpful.  but in this case it doesn't add up.  you have Sc in next St,  so that is one stitch.  then you have  [dc in next, sc in next, dc in next st] 7 times   

which is 21 sts, so your total is 22 not 14.  


re the 0 sc, usually that would be seen in a pattern where there are several sizes, and numbers are given for the different sizes, but some sizes actually have no sts in a particular sequence.  but if that is the case there should be some other numbers along with the 0, for the different sizes.  




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I agree they seem choppy, but itmight just be me typing them...but what you are reading is exactly what is written. I am making a baby cardigan and have already completed 8 inches of 72 single and double crochets (alternately. )I agree with you, I don't understand how the directions state- single crochet in next stitch, [double crochet in next, single crochet in next st] 7 times, then single crichet in next 0 ( I understand that now), chain 1, turn, leave remaining stitches unworked for armholes, back, and left front ---15 stches.


It is from a book I purchased so there is no way of sending the pattern to you. Any ideas what I am supposed to be leaving for armholes etc? Per the directions, after I have crocheted 1 single, 1 double, 1 single, 1 double, 1 single, 1 double, 1 single giving me a series of 7 croched stitches. Next, per the directions, I chain 1 and turn my work.....sound right? So where does the 15 stitches come into play?


If it helps any, the directions continue like this:


Row2: Sc in each dc and dc in each sc across, chain 1, turn,

Row 3 Skip first st, sc in each dc and dc in each sc across, cain 1, turn ---14 stches


Repeat last two rows 5 more times----- 9 stitches ( questionable again if I am repeating rows then I should expect to be crocheting only 9 stitches total. I guess I am confised about that number at the end...Does it mean that is my stitch count as in I crochet only 9 times?


Thanks for helping :)

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OK I do not own that book, and my public library doesn't have it either so I can't check it out.  Hopefully somebody else here does have it to refer to.  You will need to give us the name of the specific pattern.  


Now, what you have posted is confusing me.  First you quoted "Sc in next St, [dc in next, sc in next, dc in next st] 7 times,  sc in next 0 st. ch 1, turn; leave remaining stc unworked for armholes, back, and left front ----14 stcs."    Then you said "single crochet in next stitch, [double crochet in next, single crochet in next st] 7 times, then single crichet in next 0 , chain 1, turn, leave remaining stitches unworked for armholes, back, and left front ---15 stches."

Is that 2 different parts of the pattern or is it supposed to be the same thing?  

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I don't have that book but found pictures. Which one is it as some are done on Raverly and there might be help there? Are you starting at the bottom and  after doing the body are now working  for the right front only leaving the other stitches undone to work in later. I am looking at the pictures as the numbers are strange to me too.


As to the nine stitches when you repeat the two rows you will be skiping a st in some of them so you will have less than you started.


crochet baby



edited for content

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OK, I studied the pictures and this is what I think.

You are starting the right front at the front and going across untill right  where the arm holes will start leaving the rest to do later.. Going across you do one sc then [dc in next, sc in next] 7times which will give you the 15 stitches. Then you will be going up for the front doing the 2 rows  for so many times and where  you sk the first stitch in row 3 you will be shaping the front v for the neck.


You will do the back the same after going over leaving some stitches unworked then attatching yarn and going up back and forth again, then leaving more undone then the left front going up the same  etc.


Edited for content to leave off sc at end as it said 0 and I had put to do it.

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The [] mean to do it 7 times so if you do a [sc then a dc] that takes up 2 stitches and  doing that 7 times will be 14 stitches

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yes that's the one I looked at the picture for and it's basically just what I thought. I hope you can figure it out as it will be nice when done.

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Yes I know some times the directions can be a bit confusing but if you take it one step at a time you should get it the more you do it.

In some of your post you are puting too many stitches in for the 7 times. 

It reads, sc in next [dc in next sc in next] 7 times that means to do what is in [] 7 times and as it uses 2 stitches each time it will give you 14 stitches plus the beginning sc is 15 stitches.

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