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Breast Cancer month


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Hi folks,


Here in Australia October is National Breast Cancer Month.


I have been thinking of ways to help out with fund raising for this and came up with a few ideas, like - pink NBCM scarves (like the little ribbons people sell), boob brooches (little boob shapes filled and attached to a little pin), booby pillows and my bestest idea yet IMHO a boob warmer! No..I mean a shawl type thingy, maybe a lapghan, but made up of crocheted boobs. Boobs in all shapes, colors and sizes. Could you imagine a shawl made up of boobs? I think it would be great.


So I was wondering if anyone would like to collaborate on this with me? Yeah, I know October is about half over, but I don't think the breast cancer people would mind a donation later than the end of October.


Or am I just wasting my time thinking of these things?

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  • 2 weeks later...

interesting thought. but i've not mastered much more than single and double crochets yet. i make mostly plain flat scarves and things in the round. i've made a hat or 2 that weren't too awful. i'd like to learn how to design things someday. if you come up with some easy things, i'd be interested in seeing them.

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