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Half popcorn stitch? Is there such a thing?



Hi - new registered user, although I've read this site for ages - and find it so very helpful! I am working on a pattern called October Coat - I got it from Annie's Attic - and the pattern calls for a half popcorn stitch, and I have looked ALL over the web and cannot find it anywhere. I went back to the site where I got the pattern and there's nothing to explain it there, as well. Does anyone know what this exactly is? 


Do they mean I have to only do half the size of my usual popcorn stitch - which is five dc and then the stitch on top to secure it - like three dc and then the secure stitch - or do they mean I do the five dc and then DON'T secure with as top stitch? I am just kind of frustrated, and I want to make sure I do it so it'll turn out reasonably correct - later on in the pattern, they do mention working a stitch into a previously made shell, which leads me to believe they mean the popcorn stitch WITHOUT the securing stitch, which would, I think, give me kind of a shell sorta - but, as I said, I don't want to screw the pattern up and then have to take it out. 


Thanks for any help, and again - thanks for having this site; it is so very helpful! : ) Have a nice evening, all. 

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Okay, first of all, I came here because the thought of a half-popcorn stitch kind of cracked me up.  I mean, are they modeling this stitch on a half-popped popcorn kernel?  LOL


But seriously, that sounds immensely frustrating, and I wish I had any suggestions that could help.  It seems very strange to me that the pattern doesn't tell you how to do a half popcorn stitch - most (if not all) patterns I have seen with a special stitch will have a key to how to make that particular special stitch.  I did go to the Annie's site to see if I could locate the pattern, but a search turned up nothing relating to an October coat, and a general internet search for the half popcorn stitch also got me pretty much nowhere.  I'm sorry I couldn't offer more assistance, and I hope that the chuckle I got out of the visual I had of a half popcorn stitch at least brought you a small grin... :hug

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Maybe it is a popcorn stitch made of hdc instead of dc?


The pattern really should say how the stitch is made!!!  Was it published by Annie's or is that just where you bought it?  Anyway, maybe you can contact the publisher and get info from them.  There could be errata somewhere online.  

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Oh, is it the October Coat from Oat Couture?  http://www.oatcouture.com/Crochet.html


(I've always thought they have nice looking patterns--never used one though)


if that is it, they have a "faux pas" page but I didn't see it on there.  they do say to contact them if any questions, so i would take them up on that, contact info from that page.  

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Thank you, all, for responding and trying to help - I appreciate. : ) 


CrabbyRat - I did chuckle when I read the "half-popped kernel" analogy. LOL Thanks for checking on the I-Net for me. 


MagicCrochetFan - Yes, the coat is from Oat Couture, just bought at Annie's Attic. I'll do that and contact them - your suggestion of doing an hdc as opposed to a dc may be the key to my frustration! : ) And, when I type out the word "stitch", it usually comes out "stictch" or "stich". lol 


Thanks again. 

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Thank you, all, for responding and trying to help - I appreciate. : ) 


CrabbyRat - I did chuckle when I read the "half-popped kernel" analogy. LOL Thanks for checking on the I-Net for me. 


MagicCrochetFan - Yes, the coat is from Oat Couture, just bought at Annie's Attic. I'll do that and contact them - your suggestion of doing an hdc as opposed to a dc may be the key to my frustration! : ) And, when I type out the word "stitch", it usually comes out "stictch" or "stich". lol 


Thanks again. 

LOL - glad you enjoyed that.  I do hope you can get to the bottom of this!!  :D

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Actually, I was the one who made the error, not them - shows what happens when I am not as attentive as I should be. : ) 


I wrote the designer, as MagicCrochetFan suggested, and the author wrote me back and explained what the stitch was and also, where I could find it in the directions. Which were right in front of my face, had I read closer. LOL (It was toward the back, just before the illustrations as to how to put the pieces together, and because most of the patterns I use have the stitch breakdown in the beginning, when I didn't see it there, I just assumed there wasn't one. Teaches me to just skim. : ) 


Anyhow, thanks to all who tried to help, and to Annie, the designer of the pattern, who answered my question very quickly! 

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Yup, FlossiePotts - my fault; not hers. : ) 


MagicCrochet - I think it is, too - but, I find the five is more substantial (of course) and gives better texture, though it uses bunches more yarn, overall. The rest of the coat, I'm sticking with the directive from the pattern, the three shell - and three hdc popcorn - but...I suppose if one wanted to make a heavier coat, and didn't mind buying extra yearn, the 5 would be cool. 


Of course, if I did, another excuse to go to JoAnns! LOL (As if I NEED an excuse...) : ) 

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