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picking up stitches n end of a project



Hi & good morning!

I am currently working on a wedding ring quilt that has me picking up stitches on the sides of the color bands so that I when I go to attach the eye & the center motif I have a stitch that I can see easily. The problem I am having is picking up the correct amount of stitches on side where the center motif will be. Can someone please advise on what to do?

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2 answers to this question

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Sometimes the math doesn't come out 'even' so you have to fudge a little.


How many stitches is the thing you are attaching to?  You are attaching to the side of the stitches, right? Are they SC, DC, a combination?


How many stitches do you need to pick up?  Maybe we can help you with the math.


edit, I just read your other post and it looks like you decided not to work on this pattern after all?

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