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Pattern Brainstorming

Zhaylin Black


I have been obsessed with making a large fanny pack lol

I have finally completed my first somewhat successful attempt *whew*

But there's a lot I did wrong; some things I'd like to change; some things I think I should change but don't know how I should go about it.


Here's the bag.  It's 9 1/2 inches wide length-wise (relaxed, unstretched) and just over 6 inches wide (?- wise) and 5 inches deep with the belt stitch (???) down and 6 inches with it up.

The top needs the most work.  It's almost 7 1/2 inches wide length-wise and 6 (?- wise Sorry, my brain has stopped functioning).


I made a ledge working the unknown stitch (see Random Questions lol) so I could more easily attach a pouch, then I worked the longer loops to work a drawstring through.  But I'm still not sure I want to go that route because it would scrunch when worn.


The first pic is with the ledge out, the other with it in.  One problem I think I might have... if the longer loops for the drawstring are to remain folded, wouldn't gravity unfold them?  Is there a way to get around that?  It would also make it more awkward to add a pouch

With the ledge inward, and the longer loops down, the top of the bag would have something solid to rest on and it would be easier to close with a loop/button.  It doesn't work at all the the longer loops up and the ledge inward.









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2 answers to this question

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I'm having trouble envisioning your design.  This is to be attached to a belt around your waist, right?  I think there's a limit to the size that's practical.


I'm not understanding how a drawstring would work; you don't want to draw the top closed (like a miser's purse) because you want to keep the weight distributed width-wise on your body .  I could see a a strip woven just thru the back as a belt, if that's what you meant--but it would have to be pretty substantial to carry the weight.


I also thing the depth (the direction from your body outward) would be a problem, or at least it won't keep that shape.


If I were designing one, I think I'd make something similar to this one; it would be simpler to make than the usual lid-top ones you see.  You'd start it as you did yours but with a much longer start for the rectangle--the longer the start, the less square it would be, so you'd make a wider(side-to-side) shallower(body out), possibly longer piece.  I wouldn't make it more than 3" deep (body out).  Once it's as long as you want it, stop working in the round and just do the front and back in rows for 1.5" (if the sides are 3"), an put in a zipper; or just work the back as a flap and secure it with a button in the front.



For the belt, I've seen the same sort of flat nylon tape and the plastic connecter thingy that most belly bags use and it's not too expensive;  I'd probably go that route since a crocheted belt, unless you are using the nylon that's meant for purses, will stretch.

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Thanks for the reply  :manyheart

Here's the fanny pack I live in now-a-days.

I'm a bit of a weird one, lol- I like to carry my baby wipes and Bible in it, which is why I want the new one to be so deep.


Sorry the one pic is so out of focus.


I'll try incorporating your suggestions in my next attempt.



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