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We gather together 18 in doll pattern



I'm making the Pilgrim outfit for an 18in doll and have made eveything but the bonnet.  I'm having a problem with understanding the directions.  I've tried several times and it never looks right.  I've looked at the picture and mine doesn't look like it at all.  Could someone explain the directions.  I don't know if I'm supposed to turn or work in an oval.


The pattern was posted in 2009 by Darski

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Welcome to the ville :hook


http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/107732-we-gather-together-18-doll/ is the pattern, for anyone else who wants to chime in.


First row of bonnet you are making an oval. Crochet along the chain, increase to turn the corner. Lay the piece down on a table and pivot it around so the first stitches are now at the bottom. Continue the oval by crocheting along the edge of the chain that is now facing upward.


Does that help?

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Wait, sorry, i was wrong....you are not making a entire oval, more of a arch shape.  A closed arch that is.  you will turn at the end of the row and work back across.  so you  will have a flat 3/4 oval shape and then rows 4-11 work even to make the sides of the bonnet.


i think!!

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I agree it is an arch shape; think of a bathtub cut in half widthwise.  The cut, open  end of the bathtub is the neck side of the bonnet, the curved up, closed side of the bathtub is the top of the head.


If you were making a slipper, the START of this would be very similar to that process; you stitch up the 'normal' side of the chain, make a few extra stitches to turn the corner, then work back down the unused loops of the chain, making stitches upside down and underneath the first set of stitches.  For a slipper, you'd keep working round and round in the same direction this way, without turning.


The difference is, here you TURN and go back up the way you came, working in a an upside down U shape instead of an oval.  The turn is not noted , but notice it is calling out rows instead of rounds.  So, your starting point is the middle of the back of the neck, and the piece will grow toward the face.  The curve of the upside down U is the top of the head.


If you scroll down to the pattern pic with the bonnet lying flat on the table, it will make more sense (I hope).

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I'm sorry I'm having such a hard time understanding this bonnet.  I made everything else with no problem at all.  When I'm done with the first 3 rows I have an oval and I'm at the end of the oval.  For the 4-11 rows do I turn and work only on the top of the oval.  I've crochet for years but I guess I'm use to seeing directions that tell me exactly how to do it.

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on row 4 you turn and work over all the stitches of row 3.  that was hdc in 13, [2hdc in next, hdc in next] 5 times, hdc in 13.

so that is 13 + 15 + 13=  41.  so for rows 4 to 10 you just work a stitch into each stitch of the previous row and at end of row 10 you still have 41 sts.  

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You should't have an oval exactly - every row is turned, even row 1.  You should have a skinny rectangle with 3 straight sides and 1 curved short side; you only round 1 corner, you are working in a U shape not all the way around to make an 0.


To expand on what Kathy said, here is the stitch count by row


Row 1: hdc in 2nd ch from hook and the next 12 ch, 5 hdc in last ch. Continue along other side of ch to end.TURN 13 + 5 + 13=31
Row 2: hdc in 13 , 2 hdc in next 5, hdc to end TURN 13 + 10 + 13=36

Row 3: hdc in 13, [2hdc in next, hdc in next] 5 times, hdc in 13 TURN  13 + 15 + 13=41

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