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Plarn Toxicity?

Zhaylin Black


This is probably a very silly question.

I've been working with plarn for the last week or so.  I've been holding it and reworking projects from the time I get up until I go to bed.

Starting last night, I have been exceptionally ill.

I was unhappy with the project AGAIN lol, so I unraveled the whole thing and ended up with a jumbled mess of plarn which I had combined with 2 different yarns for stability.  It took me well over an hour to unravel, separate and re-ravel the whole thing.

THAT'S when I first felt sick.


I wrote it off to the motion.  I have "vertigo", so I figured it was just from all the raveling.  It made me feel "car-sick".

But I told my hubby today about how ill I've been feeling (extremely nauseous, a little light-headed) and he suggested the plarn.  He told me to reduce the amount of time I spend (at one time) working on it.  He suggested the plastic might be a bit toxic.


Could there be any validity to his concern?

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Oooh, thank you!!

I was about to try to find a way to delete this thread because allergies occurred to me a couple hours ago.  I took a swig of some allergy meds and started feeling better  I have inner ear trouble from time to time (from environmental and pet allergies).  Allergies didn't occur to me at first because it was so severe.

I also didn't have any "contact" allergy symptoms (no redness or rash or anything).


But after reading your link, the plarn actually could be connected.


I will definitely take a break from the plarn and see if that helps!  But dagnabbit, I just broke down and bought some small blue trash bags from the Dollar Tree lol.  

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Hmmm. I never would think it would bother anyone to handle the bags. You haven't been licking them? :rofl  Have you? Just kidding.

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hehehe, I most certainly have not been  :haha

But I do seem to have more of a problem with the grocery bags than the bought ones.

Maybe I should invest in gloves  :think

Who knows... perhaps it could help with these dastardly blisters too lol

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hehehe, I most certainly have not been  :haha

But I do seem to have more of a problem with the grocery bags than the bought ones.

Maybe I should invest in gloves  :think

Who knows... perhaps it could help with these dastardly blisters too lol

Maybe it's the ink on the lettering on the store bags that you're allergic to.

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I honestly don't know, but I'm quite apprehensive about the whole thing now that I'm feeling "top-notch" ( :rofl  ) again.

I'm often "icky" from the low-grade allergies.  I've gotten pretty used to it: red, itchy and dry eyes, constant post nasal drip and phlegm in my throat.  I deal with those daily and pretty much all year.  Every now and then my inner ear flairs up and it gets gurgly, a little painful and my balance is thrown off.  But it's a gradual thing.


This time, the attack was sudden and severe.  At the very start of it all, I thought I was getting one of my "migraines".  I couldn't even turn my head without feeling motion-sick.

But was it the plarn or something else  :yuck


The only way to narrow it down (in my silly mind lol) is to try to duplicate it 2 more times.  But I don't wanna  :lol

I'll probably wait until after my Dr. appointment (blood work, arthritis been in the works for a while- not allergy related) on Wednesday.  Then I'll tackle the plarn and see if I get sick again.

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Do you think the dizzsiness is vertigo? My DH and I have both had that and both had it cured by a simple head/neck maneuver called the Epley. With the inner ear problem added to vertigo, they may check you for Meuniere's, something two women I know have. Dizziness/vertigo is no fun! I got it when I lay my head back; got a serious attack in the dentist chair, and she was sure I was stroking out, but of course I wasn't. All gone since the Epley.

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Thank you.  I'll have to look into that!  I do have vertigo;  or... what's it called... positional hypotension.  My blood pressure drops when I move from sitting/standing/laying down.  I've had doctors use the term interchangeably.

When I lay down to go to sleep I tend to feel a little drunk or sea-sick lol.  But it's VERY mild and almost enjoyable most of the time  :rofl


I discovered earlier that it's definitely not the plarn making me sick.  A short time after I made my post I became sick again.  Just like *THAT* I went from feeling awesome to HAVING to take a nap so I wouldn't vomit  :reyes   It's ridiculous lol (gotta laugh to keep from crying  :lol  )


Looks like a might just have a good old fashion flu strand or somesuch.  If I'm not feeling better by Wednesday, I'll definitely ask my Dr. about it!



I feel like such a huge dumb-dumb.

I just googled Menier's Disease didn't really seem to apply... so I googled vertigo and postural hypotension to refresh my memory.  (I was diagnosed in 1998 and never really saw anyone else about it specifically.)


Forget the flu.  This could be even more "good old fashion" dehydration.  I tend to only drink when I'm thirsty.  I'm rarely thirsty lol.  And (if I'm to be completely honest) I only drink soda.  I've had less than 10 ounces of Pepsi in the last 24 hours and about 25 ounces in the 24 hours before that.   :oops


Time to start chugging some nasty H2O.  Dehydration could be blowing everything out of proportion.


Thank you for helping me use my noggin.

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For goodness' sake, start drinking! :)

I've been chugging a lot of iced tea and the MiO version of it (and it's decaf and sugarless.) In hot weather, especially, all of our blood vessels open up to help us cool off, and if you're lying down and stand up fast, being dehydrated will make you REALLY dizzy.

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Hehehe, thanks for the encouragement.  I have been... a little :P  I've been making myself drink a 20 ounce bottle a day on top of the soda I've been drinking a little more of.

Why am I so rarely thirsty lol


I feel a lot better, but not completely.  I'll definitely be mentioning all of this to my Dr. tomorrow.  I just really don't want to :haha .  I don't think my doctor likes me lol  I've only seen her twice in the last 2 months.  

After over 10 years, I thought it was wise to finally make an appointment for a pap.  But I had a meet and greet with her first and she treated some nasal and tummy troubles.


Most of my troubles I bring upon myself and I don't see things changing (like owning cats) so I think it's silly to see a doctor if I'm not going to listen.  I also smoke just over a pack a day.


I figure these spells are related to my allergies.  I can't get the mold and mildew out of the walls (not the deadly "black mold" though!!) and I can't move, so I just have to suck it up.   :ohdear

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Dehydration.  Blah.  That's the primary reason for her (Dr's) concern.  We were actually so wrapped up in me not drinking enough and my blood pressure being so low, that we forgot to talk more about the arthritic nodule on the side of my finger  :rofl   :oops  Which was the main reason why I wanted to see her lol.


My allergies (the usual) are also flaring so she wants me to be more aggressive in treating it.  With the cold weather so quickly approaching, hopefully, THAT wont be an issue much longer.


If I'm not better in 10 days, she wants to see me again.




SO!  Enough of my health woes lol.

Seems that plarn is the least of my worries :D

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