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Seahorse Barefoot Sandals



I purchased an intermediate pattern and I'm having some difficulties with it. The pattern includes both written and diagram instructions, but I can't read or understand diagrams in order to understand the written instructions better. I've asked the owner a question about it, but she/he may not have understood what I was asking. I'm still very confused, but I don't want to pester said person. If anyone here can help me, I will post what I'm having a problem with!! Thanks in advance!

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6 answers to this question

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Is this the pattern?


It sounds like you are saying that the instructions at least partially rely on some type of diagram.  If it is a symbol chart, there are many resources on the internet that can help. There may be sufficient information on the Craft Yarn Councils  YarnStandards.com with in the booklet they offer free for download


If ti si some other type of diagram, you may need to get back to the Pattern Author since posting her copyright instructions would be a violation of CV policy concerning respecting copyrights of the author.

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No, this isn't the one :(  




As for Copyright, this is on the pattern:


As the legal owner of the authorized copy of our pattern(s), you have purchased the
right to make the article that is presented in the pattern, to sell or give away your
authorized copy(s) of the pattern(s) that you purchased, and to sell or give away the
article that you made from the pattern. You do not have the right to make copies of the
pattern(s) (in part or in whole) with the intent of distribution, sale or publication,
through any venue, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the written
authorization to do so. Large quantities or mass production of projects from our
patterns is prohibited without first obtaining written consent to do so.


I have been trying to learn to read diagrams for years, to no avail. I'm just one of *those* people who will never get it.


Am I to assume that it's OK to share, in part, here?

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The link you gave is to "finished" goods, not a pattern - and I admit a more interesting derivative on the pattern I found.

Again, without at least a link to the actual listing, it is more or less not possible to help.


Copyright: You may have missed the sentence:


>> You do not have the right to make copies of the pattern(s) (in part or in whole) with the intent of distribution, sale or publication,
through any venue, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the written authorization to do so.<<<


All things considered, It would seem that you really will need to contact the pattern author -


While I commend the pattern author for giving skill levels (probably based on the YarnStanards.com Skill Level info)

it would have been helpful to also include the need for mention the reliance on diagrams. 

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Yeah, I went back and read the Copyright again, realized that after I posted it. The pattern does seem to rely heavily on the diagram. The pattern writer got back to me with some clarification, but it didn't help much. When I bought the pattern, it said that it included both instructions, so I purchased it assuming I could rely on the written text. I linked to the finished product for sale by the author and not the pattern, too, so I guess I goobered in my frustration. It seems to me that I'm going to have to recall filet and try to wrap my brain around using it within a written pattern, because that's what it appears to be doing - my confusion appears to be distiguishing between a stitch and chaining used as a stitch. Without using the pattern, I'll give an example:


I'm starting with sc in the round (head), attaching thread and continuing in rows.


The first row is simple. Ch X (counts as first stitch), skip 1, (stitch, ch X, stitch) in next stitch, ch 1, (stitch) in next, (stitch) in next. Turn  (It's that stitch, ch x, stitch that I seem to have a problem with - is it counting as a stitch or just chaining?!)


Row 2  Ch 1, stitch in next stitch, ch 1, skip next stitch, stitch in next stitch, ch 1, skip next stitch, stitch in next stitch. Turn


And.... I have a mess in my hands. It seems so simple, until I realize that there is a giant leap in there that gives it a crumpled, 'Ooops, I missed a stitch' look to it. This makes row three even more confusing.


Is this enough for someone to let me know what's up?

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That's not technically filet crochet. 


If you look at the picture - the ch 1 makes the space between the stitches.


Basically, you're putting a stitch in a stitch with a ch1 between them.

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