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It's Hat Trouble.

Trula Smith


Ok I'm using a pattern from "Loops & Threads, Country Loom: All Wrapped Up". The shaping of the top is giving me a bit of a problem. So here is the base that i am working from for this row 10 clusters with a ch2 dc at the end. The pattern instructions are as follows. "Ch 4 (counts as dc and ch1). Cluster in first ch-2 sp. *CH 1. (Draw up a loop in next ch-3 sp) twice. Yoh and draw though 3 loops on hook - sc2tog made. (Ch 3. Cluster) in last ch-3 sp worked. Rep from * to turning ch sp. Ch1. (1 sc. Ch 2. 1 dc) in turning ch sp. Turn."


The Red text is the part that is not working with the 10 clusters it just doesnt match up.


Any and all help is very much appreciated.

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4 answers to this question

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You have to give a little more than just it's 10 clusters in the row before because the instructions you are having trouble with mention chain 2 and chain 3 spaces.  Where are those?


Maybe write out the instructions for the entire row above the one you're having trouble with too - people might be able to help you then.

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Are the clusters in the prior row separated by ch-3s?


(Draw up a loop in next ch-3 sp) twice. YO and draw though 3 loops on hook - sc2tog made.


I'm going to assume 'you' should have been 'yo' in your post.  The punctuation of the pattern is telling you not to make a sc2tog in the same ch-3 space, but rather one loop in the first ch-3 space, the other loopin the NEXT ch-3 space.  I would think this might pucker a bit.


(Ch 3. Cluster) in last ch-3 sp worked.


Since you haven't made a ch-3 space in this row yet, I would interpret this to mean to do this in the same ch-3 space that the sc2tog ended up in, since that's the 'last sp worked'.  This may look odd, since you will have a tall cluster sprouting from a short sc; however it makes sense if the piece is supposed to start gathering up at this point.  Does the hat start at the brim, and work up to the crown? 

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Now that I re-read it and am not trying to concentrate on a D&D game at the same time I see that the pattern did not want me to (Ch 3. Cluster) on the very last stitch, but wanted me to do something different. That is what was throwing me off because on the last sc2tog it did not make sence to (Ch 3. Cluster) and also "Ch1. (1 sc. Ch 2. 1 dc) in turning ch sp. Turn."

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