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I'm at a dead end and need your help to save my project!



Hmm.. Can anyone help me?
The help I need is with a shawl pattern  found in "Shawls and Wraps" by Leisure Arts, pg 14-17.  The book is http://www.leisurearts.com/products/shawls-and-wraps-for-all-occasions.html.  A picture of the project may be view at http://books.google.ca/books?id=pPvDIecm26AC&pg=PA15&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false  
Row one finishes with a total of 281 dc's as required.  I thought I did row 2 as directed but I came up short with around 9 clusters from what I was suppose to have. I don't know what I did wrong. The stitch is called a cluster but there seems to be nothing puffy about it. It just looks like V's with each side like a leg. I have 2 problems. The first as I mentioned, coming up short. Actually, I don't even know what a "cluster" looks like, so how do I know for sure? I assumed that 2 legs joined like a 'V' is one cluster. The 2nd problem I have prevents me from going any farther. The instructions tell me in row 3, that I’m to start working into the next cluster, but I do not know where in the cluster I'm to do that, 
I have no idea how to proceed. With less cluster like stitches than required, looks like I need to rip back but I do not know what I'm doing wrong. Then, next, I do not know where to start working "in the cluster" when I get back to row 3. If anyone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.  Row 1, I was to dc across in the back ridge. I did so. The instructions for row 2 and 3 are as follows:

Row 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in first dc, * ch 3, work 1st leg of cluster, skip next 4 dc, work (2nd leg of cluster, ch 3, sc) in next dc; repeat from * across.   (56 clusters and 57 sc)

Row 3: Ch 4, turn; (tr, ch 3, sc) in next cluster, ch 3, work 1st leg of cluster, * skip next sc, work (2nd leg of cluster, ch 3, work 1st leg of cluster; repeat from * across to last sc, work 2nd leg of cluster in last sc.

To make a Cluster:
1st leg: YO twice, insert hook in same st as last sc made, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook twice.

2nd leg: YO twice, insert hook in st indicated, YO and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook twice, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.
Thanks so much, Trace2


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3 answers to this question

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It looks like there is an error in this pattern. The numbers don't add up in row 2 for that number of clusters. Unless someone else has done this pattern, your best bet is probably to contact them: leisurearts.com--customer service--contact us. There is a form to fill out and also a phone number. Good luck.

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Hmm.. thanks Mona. I'm just wondering what calulations you used? when I divide 5 into (the every 4dc plus 1 for the sc) 281  equals 56.2. They say I should be getting 56 clusters when the row is complete. hmm.. ?..

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What a pretty pattern this is! ... a bit confusing tho, at first. The chain 3, combined with that yarned-over stitch is a triple cluster stitch. Cluster stitches are wide thru the middle and narrow at the ends, when you draw the yarn thru all the loops it will look a bit 'puffy', as you can see in the finished photo.


You will be working in the every 5th stitch of the row of dcs, because you are going to skip 4 between each of those legs. When I worked it out on paper, it came out to 56 clusters, not sure why you were off nine clusters. Are you skipping 4 stitches between each leg? Unless I'm not seeing something, I think the pattern is okay as far as the numbers go, just a but confusing.


Refer back to the photo with the pattern, it gives a good definition of what the stitch should look like,, Do your V-clusters look like the rows in the photo? If it does, you're on the right path so far, but there's something going on with the number of clusters, so I'm afraid you'll have to take that row out. Before you do, tho, look at it and compare it to the photo. Do the bottom legs of your clusters look like the photo? Do you have 4 stitches between each leg of the cluster? Are you still liking this pattern or do you want to find another pattern?


Look at that pic's row 3, it will help you on the next row to see where you have to work those stitches into the top of the clusters. You'll want to poke your hook into something good and solid from the top of the previous row, look for that final loop you pulled thru those last stitches to use as the base of this next row.


One you get it figured out, it will come easy. It will be beautiful, I'm sure. What color yarn are you using?

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