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Feeling a little Dumb today

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I have a pattern that calles for size 3 yarn, which is a light weight. Now can a size 3 or 5 thread be used?

I have plenty of that, but I will have to send for the yarn if not. I am trying to avoid buying more yarn. I NEED ROOM!!!!:hook

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Size 3 crochet thread is fairly equivalent to CYCA #2 Fine yarn, which is considered sportweight or light DK weight.


Size 5 thread is fairly close to CYCA #1 Super Fine yarn, which is considered sock, fingering, or baby weight.


Depending on the fiber content of the original yarn called for, the cotton thread could behave a bit differently.


Check your gauge, as it's probably not going to come out exactly as intended with the original pattern.


The size 3 thread would be your best bet. You might have to make some adjustments, but you may be able to get it to work.

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I had read your question and this sent me on a search for the answer as I too wanted to know. (Inquiring minds want to know lol) In my search I would say that it would work. Here is a link to the site with the info. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crochet_thread

"...so size 3 is nearly as thick as yarn ..." this is the little blurb that makes me think this would work. If you try it let my poor inquiring mind know the results :)

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