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Hurricane Sandy Relief


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Just wanted ot post this for anyone interested...


As someone who went through Hurricane Sandy I can't begin to describe the devastation that so many have suffered. Homes lost, and no power- and now we are in the middle of a Nor'easter. I just got my power back this evening at 6PM after being without power since a week ago Monday--


There are so many people who lost everything--and I think this is a great idea- it's cold!!!!

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Yes I agree. There lots of people taking charge and trying to collect hats , mittens, scarves and quilts to help all stay warm. I was out of electric because a hurricane last summer for a whole week. Didn't lose everything and it was extremely hot. There was no comfort at all. So we're trying to reach out to all and trying to get stuff rounded up to get sent . I know lots of people are helping and I am so grateful to see all those who are so,willing to help. There's many angels out there.

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