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Backwards crochet

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Has anyone ever tried this? -


" An equally annoying variant of opposite hand crocheting is backwards crochet. This is different from reverse single crochet, commonly used to form a decent edging on things. (Reverse crochet merely reverses the direction you crochet, not the WAY you crochet) Normally, you stick the hook under the top two loops going from FRONT to BACK, and form your stitch (whatever it is) as normal. Try it the other way, stick the hook in from the BACK of the work through to the front of the work." ( from here - http://members.aol.com/sbaycgoa/member2.htm -)


I just did and it was quite ....interesting. Gave an extra twisted look to my dc's.

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do you have a picture of it??:hook


ugh..nope. The dishcloth I practiced it on is now wet...and it just started raining :think


You'll have to try it alllllll by yourself :hook(oh..does that little grinning man have a crochet hook?? coz if he does, I only JUST realised :blush)

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