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not sure where to put this

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Admin Note: Read post #2 from AmyS before posting a response. The Etsy seller is the author of the book in question.



A friend of mine loaned me her book crocodile stitch fashions. by lianka azulay... I was looking thru it and stuff looked awful familiar to patterns I've seen on etsy. so I went to Etsy and looked ans sure enough There is someone on there selling what looks to me 100% identical patterns.


i'm not going to say the shop name.. but What are the chance's this person on etsy is the author of the book I'm barrowing?????

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Probably about 100%! Lianka was contacted by the publisher because they first saw her designs on Etsy. So I don't think there's any reason at all for concern here.


As a reminder to everyone in the event of similar situations, it's usually not a good idea to post public speculation about something like this. There's too much chance that somebody's reputation could end up being ruined, when nothing was wrong.


In future, if anybody notices a situation that looks suspicious, please, please bring it to me privately before posting on the forum. If I don't happen to see something right away (like I did this time), I might not be able to prevent a bunch of unpleasantness from occurring. I would hate to think what might have happened if others had started to search on Etsy, figured out who this seller was, didn't realize she IS the author of the book, and a whole bunch of mud-slinging got started before I could stop it.


If I think there really is a problem, I'll help the person who wanted to post determine whether the situation is serious enough to warrant posting about it on Crochetville. In most cases, though, there would be more appropriate courses of action to take than posting about it here. :) Courses of action that would actually result in infringing items being removed, whereas posting about it here wouldn't really be effective.

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im sorry amy.. this is why I didnt post the name of the store on etsy.


I appreciate that you were trying to protect the Etsy seller while trying to figure out what was going on. :) However, there was enough information in your post that anyone could have easily identified her in just a couple minutes. :(


All anyone had to do was an Etsy search for crocodile stitch patterns coupled with a Ravelry search for the patterns in Lianka's book. Boom: instant match-up.


The internet just makes it too easy to find out who's involved, very, very quickly. That's why it's better for people to bring their suspicions about problems to me first before posting them here. No harm was done this time, though! :hook

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no problemo. if u need to or want to arcive or take this thread down that's fine :).

was just currious.. didnt think.. before i posted. but i'm glad that it's lagit and totaly awsome that they got published!!!. as it's a amazing stitch!

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL, reminds me of a time on a fiction board someone was blasting an author for "sounding too much like" another author and having very similar characters. I knew, but they didn't, that it was one author, two different pen names for different typed of stories.


I knew, because when I read one that sounded too much like the author I had come to enjoy and email with, I told here I was suspicious about someone with a different name and same style and characters but in a more adult setting. She admitted she was one and the same, but wasn't sure if I read more adult stories or just general ones, so she hadn't mentioned it. We became "in person" friends after that, and still are to this day.

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