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It means to rip-it, rip-it, rip-it out! :2frog


In other words, to pull out the stitches you've already crocheted.

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AH!!! Okay! LOL! :lol


I started a twin-sized blanket/bedspread for my 3 year old neice back at the beginning of August. Half-way through I realised I had dropped 1 stitch on each side on every row and it had crept in 6 inches on each side (losing a full foot by the mid-way mark).


Instead of just ripping it out and balling it up (the yarn turns to floss when you streatch it even though it's new yarn) I just re-started the whole project (glad I did now, the base-chain was off-count) and I'm now just pulling it off the old project while I'm chaining it onto the new :lol


So I'm Frogging it!! Rip-It Rip-It LOL!!


Thanks :D


~ Raven ~

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