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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning everyone

Someone put a :fire under my butt this morning. I have been up since 7am and have been going no stop since.

2 loads of laundry out on line

half cleaned off my kitchen table

washed 8 more carpet tiles I found

did dishes and have a sink full soaking again

laid carpet tiles in front of door upstairs

got all x-mas presents that I bought so far picked up and put in a bin in my room

made bed and put blankets away off of couch

sorted dish towels- the ones that have holes- now rags

now Iam laying the carpet tiles in the laundryroom and then I can put all the stuff back

Oh and it is getting hot here and I still have to go and work tonight.:(

Chat was alot of fun last night, Thanks again girls

Well going to check a few things on here and then back to work

I will be back later


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:hi, everyone!!!


Wow... 6 pages to catch up on... Although if I was here live, I would've stayed up way too late! :lol


Beth- :faint GOLD MEDAL! Cool! Congrats on "Quick-silver!" I don't know why I name my cars:think I guess they are part of the family, too, right?


Shannon - ahem... I mean Ms. Shreveport... or was it Mrs. Fred Astaire? :rofl I hope the a/c repair turns out better than the Orkin guy!

I like your idea of a room a day, but won't be able to paly that game until I finish my sis's 'ghan and my bestie squares... probably later in the month, I guess... or maybe when the kids go back to school :goodorbad... did I mention that I am a procrastinator too? :queen of the photo finish... that's me:yes!


Stacy - you shouldn't give up on searching for a :crocheting group... those people didn't deserve to have you as part of their group... perhaps looking into your local senior center could put you in touch with a different group? :scrachin... come to think of it, you should just go to THEIR group, if they have one... You are comfortable with seniors, and it would be really cool for them to have you, too!

:cheerWTG on the home searching!!! Sounds about high time to get the heck out of where you are... :xfin that you find something PERFECT really soon!


Colleen - I Love, Love, Love your purple 'ghan! It is VERY artsy and modern looking! And you are moving right along:cheer

Sorry about the book store being a bust... but at least you got a cool book!:clap


Joanne - What a funtastic weekend you had! I am so happy for dd's success at that Yart sale!... did you say she is going to work at a cafe? Maybe she could talk to the owner about displaying some work there? When I read the story, I got a pretty strong and good feeling about that! :shrug... it's worth a shot, maybe.

I think we are back to 1/2 game difference between my Sox and Your Yanks:devil... see? I told you this was gonna be a fun ride!!!

I hope you weren't late today, after staying up so late last night... It was weird to not see a post from you this morning:lol I did remember to take my vitamin, though:wink

Where in New Hampshire are you planning to visit? September is perfect to go, because of the foliage and the :apple pickin'... YUMMY! It would be really fun to :hook up while you're in the area!:clap (I already hinted to DH about it:lol)... We go away for Labor Day weekend to the Cape, but after that, we will be close to home, with school starting the 10th and PopWarner Football keeping us busy! Keep me posted, ok?


Mary - :cheer:cheer Yay for your live chat-ness, and for the 2000th post, and your 200th post! :yay ...hey, we bookended the Stashbusters, too! what an eventful weekend! And congrats on booking your trip to see DS... he's west, and youngest will be east, right? So your family will be coast to coast:(:( God love you... I can't even imagine having my kids so far away from me...:hug:hug


Vicki - hope you're having a fun trip!


:hi Jennifer! Wow! you must be busy! We MISS YOU!!!!:hug Are you enjoying any fresh veggies from your patio yet?


ScoobyDoo... Where are you? I miss you, too! You must be doing a lot of entertaining and stuff... I hope you stop by soon... are you still chatting with HS sweet:heart?



Well... this weekend we fought a TON of traffic, to the Cape, AND Home... The weather was nice, but we spent more time in the car than on the beach:( I am glad to be home:c9

I've got a lot of :crocheting to do to catch up... my sis's b-day "pig roast" is Saturday, and this 'ghan is needing a lot more done :eek:scared... I am little nervous about it, as I didn't get as much done as I needed to:(

Speaking of which, I better go... my chores are done, and time's a wastin'!


:hug:manyheart:hug to you all! I missed you this weekend...


I'll be back later to check in, probably not until after Joanne gets home from work;)


Luv Ya!

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:waving, Shannon...


It looks like the quake was down in the Baja in Mexico... :xfin that Stacy is ok. She lives north of LA, so it's quite a good distance.


I am praying too...

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Hey Ladies

Welcome home LeaAnne, too bad about the traffic but glad you had a good time. I was thinking about you this weekend, I could use a beach right about now.

I hope Stacy is ok and Iam sure she will let us know she is all right. Iam praying just the same.

Ok I got the laundry room done

dog cage done

dinner done

new cushions on chairs done

clothes put away

I hope I don't have these spurts too often. I will never get to crochet then.:devil

How is everyone doing?


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AYUH! A couple of 36 years worth of :crocheting time bookends...


I am in awe of how much you are able to do, though... I am working hard for my speed to come back...


Hey, btw... you are a YOUNG grandma! that is sooo cool! My mom became a grandma when she was just 40 (by my sister)... I, however, will be an OLD grandma (If God is good...:lol)


You are like the cleaning WHIZ lately! You better have a sit, and :crocheting a while... you don't look so good.... :rofl.... I think it Withdrawalitis! :wink

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Where is everyone today? It sure is quiet! Maybe everyone's fingers are sore from all the live chats.


Welcome home LeaAnne! Did you get any Vitamin D this weekend? Good luck getting your sister's 'ghan finished!!


Mary- Wow, you're on a roll! WTG getting so much done today!


A/C is fixed, Orkin man apologized (he got the wrong message. I felt kinda bad for being snippy). We've been making and watching home movies all day. DD is such a ham!!

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I didn't realize there was a chat in progress. Have fun at work Mary! Yeah, I know I'm hurtin' from all the stay-up-overs!!

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:think It's kind of weird... a whole day without Joanne....


Yep, I got a great big dose of vitamin D:clap and a little relaxing, too.

I must confess that I would prefer to be home with all of the kids things, and they know where the snacks are here :wink. And, I don't have to pack everything up for the beach. We have a pool here, so it's really easy.

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