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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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That's cute! She might wake herself. She's got a bladder like a camel, that kid. I guess I just think if she wakes herself she might wake up and have trouble getting back to sleep.

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That's a good idea. I'll have to remember that if/when she gets trained. I'm not worried. As long as she's trained before she starts school, I'm good.


Stacy- I wonder why they never called. To be honest, I probably wouldn't even think about this if it weren't for you girls. You've made me feel like maybe I can talk to people.

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I'm not outgoing either. I don't usually volunteer for things, but I tried to volunteer for the Girl Guides (kinda like scouts but for girls) last year and they never called me either. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there and then when they don't call it discourages you from doing it again.


Exactly. Dh has been encouraging me to look for another group, but I am kind of discouraged. The women seemed really nice but I guess my soul wasn't old enough for them. :wink

Our new roomie is very sociable and outgoing so I am hoping to learn a few tips from her.

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It takes forever to build up confidence, and just one little thing to knock it all down again. It's so frustrating to be shy!

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I got really lucky with my oldest- she potty-trained at night before she day-trained. So when my 4 y/o started, and she wet the bed at night, I was like, :eek. :oops

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I better go! Good night again! I'm not going to read any more because I'll want to chat more :rofl


Stacy - Maybe they thought you were too young and hip for their ministry :wink. My DH is outgoing too, so I can relate.


Have a great evening ladies!

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Good night again Colleen!


I'll be going pretty soon too. I still have lots to do tonight and it's almost 11 here.

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No, my DH is very quiet. Usually if I'm around someone quiet, I can be more outgoing. But I feel like if he isn't going to be friendly, then I shouldn't either. I don't know. It's hard to explain and doesn't make much sense.

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Okie dokie. Have a great night! What's left of it, anyway. I should get going and see what we can store and what is neccessary to take. I can't believe we decided to do this right after we come back from vacation.:eek

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Yeah, this month is going to be crazy for you. We'll be here for you though. We'll help you through it. Just make sure your computer is the last thing you move and the first thing you hook up at your new HOUSE!!

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LoL! Well dh has a laptop from work with a wireless card, and he has a Blackberry so I can definitely check in. Although I don't know if I can check the 'Ville from a Blackberry. I really need to get a start on those squares, though, so I can get them out in time.

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It seems like all I'm doing is frogging lately! I'm trying to get them done though. I'm late for everything though, so we'll see.

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Do you have a pattern and a color picked out? I have the pattern (I think) but I am still debating on the color. I am using Vanna's right now and it just seems really thick. I'd like to get something from HL in MI but I don't want to wait that long. We'll see.

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Yeah, I think I have 3 done. But they may not all be the same. I've had to add a row to a couple of them to make 12". I'm using RH. I don't really like it, but they had the colors I needed. I love the pattern I'm doing, even though I keep messing up. Stupid little mistakes that require a lot of frogging. Ugh!

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Well, I better go. The Orkin man will be here early tomorrow.

Have a great night. Again, I'm so excited for you! Let us know how it goes with the apartment manager!

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Good morning Besties!


All's quiet around here. Did we keep you up too late Joanne? I hope you weren't late for work!


I'm waiting for the Orkin man and the A/C man. We had to turn the A/C off last night because it's leaking and the carpet in our living room is wet. Can you believe Orkin called this morning to make sure we still wanted the flea treatment. I said, "No, I wanted it when I called and no one called back. We took care of it ourselves." Made me mad.


Have a wonderful day everyone. Love and hugs!!

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Shannon, sorry to hear about the Orkin people. Service people are so inconsiderate sometimes. How is the flea situation? You guys were supposed to get new carpet, too, weren't you?


We were supposed to go view a home today but dh and I talked about it, and it is a bit out of our price range. I have to call our friends bright and early to tell them not to bother coming out here. (They live 20-25 minutes away right now and I don't want her to waste her gas if we're not going to rent that one.) I've been searching craigslist all morning and I've email 2 other people. I have a list of 3 others to call as soon at a decent hour. LoL It is only 7:30 here. Dh and I stayed up talking until almost 1, then he had to get up for work at 5. Poor guy. :ohdear


I have to pay rent today, and I think the rest of the day will be spent cleaning out drawers. If I tackle 1 room every day, I think I will have a good start by the time we leave for MI. It just seems like there is so much to do. It's kind of overwhelming. :worried

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Hey Stacy! Good luck finding a house. I'm sure there's lots to choose from out there, right? I stayed up late too. I'm feeling it today.:tired:yawn


We are getting new carpet, but I don't know when. It's ordered and ready, but we have lots more to do on the house before we get it installed. We just decided to redo our fireplace, and I've been procrastinating on cleaning out the guest room. I guess it's a good thing we had to wait since the A/C got the carpet wet.


The one-room-a-day sounds like a good plan to me. I'm going to do that here soon. If I don't start getting rid of all this junk, my house is going to explode!!

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