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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:hi everyone!


I will be here for chat for a bit tonight :yay That will be the perfect way to unwind after a crazy day. I did a load of laundry and dried it on the clothesline this afternoon, made ham and mashed potatos for supper, put away 2 loads of laundry and did dishes/ran dishwasher, etc. We ran over to our friend's house after supper to deliver a b-day gift to DH's GD who turned 3 yesterday. I gave her the flower yoke top I made earlier this summer. They seemed to like it. DD talked NON-STOP today. Non-stop :eek I have no idea how that girl doesn't lose her voice. :shrug I'm not complaining that she is bright and outgoing, but it is exhausting when she gets like that.


Beth - I hope your day went well, including working at the ballet school. It sounds like the kids are not wasting any time getting back into school. What grades are they working on right now?


Shannon - When do you go homecoming dress shopping with your sister? That sounds like fun! Glad to hear Pepper is home and I hope she is back to her old self soon. WTG to Janna for being a trooper at the hairdresser! :yay


Mary - How is your toe? That hurts. A big :hug for you. I hope you have a good rest tonight.


Stacy - I am so sorry to hear about the problems with Mia's school. And she was so looking forward to it! I hope you find her a school that works out better. Good luck tomorrow with filling in forms, etc.! Here's a big :hug for you too!


Joanne - Welcome home! What a nice surprise to find Mary's square and towel on the table! I'm glad you had a good visit in NH. As for the round ripple, I am using this pattern http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/crochet-pattern---9-pointed-star-round-ripple/3016474 it is CrochetDad's. I'm using ww yarn and a size 6mm/J hook. I have also made two RRs with this pattern http://www.coatsandclark.com/Crafts/Crochet/Projects/BabyChild/WR1958+MerryGoRound+Blanket.htm

using bulky yarn and a big hook it works up really quickly. With adult colours, it would be very nice. That is the pattern I used for the one in my avatar. It is made with Bernat Softee Chunky and an 8 mm hook.


LeaAnne - Good luck with the first day back to school for you and your troop! I hope it is a happy time for all!


Vicki - How is your week going? I hope it has improved after the bad start with the headache. Now...is it Wednesdays you play bowling? If so, have fun!


:hi Jenn & Scooby!

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Oh ya, one more thing about the RR. My biggest challenge with the RR is colour placement - how many rows, which colours in which orders, etc. I found a link at the RR CAL to this site: http://www.kissyourshadow.com/stripe_maker.php which creates a random stripe pattern for you. It's neat! I'm not using any of the stripe patterns it suggested (that would be too smart and easy for me:lol), but this is an amazing way to see what colours will look good together too!

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Good. Tired. I forgot to tell you guys that I went dress shopping with Sister yesterday. She got a beautiful bright blue dress. Looks great with her blue eyes.


I was so glad to see that DD did so well and already made new friends. It didn't sound like she was nervous to me. She's going to be a leader!!:clap

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They gave me pain medicine for her. She usually eats at 8:30, so I'll try to give it to her then. I don't know if she'll want to eat.

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Quick question: Would the color of DD's hat be okay for a 13 year old. I found out about one today who's having brain surgery tomorrow. I'm going to make her a hat tonight.

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Your sister's dress sounds beautiful. Does she have a bf that she is going with as a date? Yes, I think DD may be a leader. She was like a little teacher in there, directing the conversation. But, a leader can also be a bossy betsy, so it could cause trouble.

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I am not feeling better. I'm babysitting and the girls are arguing. :angry The mechanic is here and it looks like the part that we ordered is not working. I plan to go for a walk after our roomie comes home.


I think pink would be a good color, too. Or yellow or light purple. :manyheart

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Yeah, sister has a bf. He's a nice guy, just quiet.


My DD is bossy in school, or so I hear. She's gotten in the habit of letting her goldfish "swim" in her water at snack time. (Grody!) Her teacher told her no today, and she used the famous Janna line, "I be mad at you." She had to sit on the teacher's lap for a little while.


I don't know the girl. What color would you use?

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My neighbour has 12 and 14 yo girls. They seem to be out of the pink stage (I can tell because I see her laundry on the clothesline all the time :lol). They wear a lot of browns and green. I think give the circumstances something bright and cheery would be fun, and that pink is definitely bright and cheery!

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Yeah, the worst part is she takes them out of the water and eats them. That girl is a little different. She doesn't eat goldfish at home. She's all about the fruit snacks, bananas and apples for snacks here.

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Okay, what about aqua? The color I used for DD's flower yoke top? Or I guess I should say, tried to use. And would Bernat Softee Baby work, or is it too light?

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