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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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He is snoring on the couch behind me. He hasn't really felt well today. He said the medicine the doctor gave him made him feel "loopy". I know he took a nap this afternoon and when we came home he just laid down on the couch and slept. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.

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I am working on the center square for my besties afghan and I have a wrap that I am halfway finished with. I stopped working on that when I started the besties squares. Then DD saw the squares and now she wants them too. I have two squares done for her, but I really need to finish the wrap. I don't know why I am worried about finishing it now. I won't wear it 'til November!

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I'm not so sure she wants a besties afghan, I think she just liked the square. She got excited when Beth's square got here. She wants to see them all when I get them. I mailed mine this week, so hopefully you will get yours soon.


What other projects are you working on now?

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The squares will take longer to get to Colleen and I. When we mail to the U.S.A or we receive anything form there it takes a couple of weeks. I know that was the way it was a couple of years ago, hopefuly now it will come faster.


Iam working on kids sweaters right now. I will do those for a bit then switch to something else. Then I don't get so bored. I also have to work on some thing for x-mas too. Just not too sure what yet.

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I have got to spend tomorrow cleaning - we weren't here last weekend and the dust bunnies are back. Since I'll be working all next weekend, I want to do a really good cleaning this weekend. Of course, in between the cleaning, I'll be watching the Yankees-that will be my break time.

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I need to clean. I really haven't done anything since we got back from NY. I think because we came home and I went right back to work I just haven't gotten back into the swing of things. Hubby can help me out while he is home this week when he is feeling better. The snoring has stopped for the moment, but I am sure it will start again soon!

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This is just so amazing! I hope that the Rangers win too (sorry to LeaAnne and my DD). I just saw my DD's twitter post- she is not a happy camper with this game.

Wow the stadium is pretty empty- guess if I was a Red Sox fan, I'd be leaving too


I'm going to wash the bestie squares tomorrow so I can package them up and get them in the mail early next week. (if I'm up really early and get them washed and they don't fall apart), I may make it to the post office tomorrow before they close, but more likely I'll have to go out during lunch one day next week and get them in the mail.


I can't believe it takes weeks to get to Ontario!

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