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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi girls!


I just wanted you to know that I doubt I'll make it for the chat tonight. my friend's uncle's wake is tonight, and it's pretty far away. You'll probably be done by the time I get home and get DD to bed. But I sure will check when I get home! Love ya!!

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Oh my God! I completely forgot that it was chat night tonight! I was reading all the posts and everyone was talking about the chat!

Hi all! I had a half day at work today. The department chairs had to go in for a meeting and then we had lunch with all the new staff members. Then I got to come home. I have been sittin on my badorkus since I got home! I don't want to do anything!

I forgot to take something out for dinner this morning. I usually take something out of the freezer and completely forgot today. Oh, well. Out to dinner we go!

Mary, Stacy, and Joanne - Happy travels to you all! Be safe and enjoy the trips!

Jennifer - Good luck trying to sell the house! And the gift sounds lovely! I am sure she will love it when she gets it!

Shannon - Good luck finding a new neurologist. And I just picture Janna walking out Bigbob's house ready to go home! That was too funny!

Scooby - I hope all is well and we can hear from you soon!

Colleen - Hope you are having a great day!

I will try to remember to be here for the chat. Talk to you all later!


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Hello out there ? :hi


I have a feeling it will be a small chat group tonight! I might even be here all by myself :lol I just picked up my chevron lace sweater to work on it. I'm just about to divide the sleeves and body and I think I need one more row before I do. Tried it on and I need a bit more room under the arms. So, that's what I'm planning to do. I'll hang around for a few minutes to see if any green lights turn on.



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I bet you are tired, having had all your family over last night. And that football schedule is a busy one!


Yes, the cardi is moving along. It is fun. It will be good to split off the arms and body and get a sense of whether it is going to fit or not. We'll see.


How is your gang tonight?

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we are all good... the girls are yukking it up in their room... talking about :shrug I don't know what, and I am watching the Sox with Pete and Pete.


Last night was a late night, but really great! I love my uncle so much! he is so easy to talk to (probably the easiest of my family)

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She is actually nervous about school. She says "I'm kinda scared". We just tell her that is okay, that we were too but that she'll be fine. She got a letter from her teacher last week and she starts on Sept. 9. They do a staggered entry for the Junior Kindegartens, so it starts more gradually without the whole class there all at the same time.

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yes. for the most part, they are like their own little club... once in a while, they act like everyone else and bicker, but it's not often... I am a blessed mama! Now if I could only get them to finish their summer reading, I'd have it made:devil:lol

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i can't remember if you said... is it all day?

Is there an active PTA there that you could join? Sometimes it makes them more comfortable if they know you can volunteer when they are there.

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That is awesome that the kids get along. A lifelong team. And yes, it does sound like you are a blessed mama.


DD will be fine once she gets started. She is a very outgoing little girl. Shy for a few minutes but once she warms up, watch out! We don't know any kids in her class. We met one, but she'll go on the alternate days. However, we will soon enough know them all and they will be together through 8th grade!


I had to pop upstairs there. Someone is having trouble settling. Naps are great, but they make for difficult bedtimes. :lol

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The 2 younger ones have to read 100 pages per grade they are going into: Pete has 200 to go to 2nd grade, Krissy has to read 400 for 4th.

Lindsey and Jamie have specific books that they need to read. Lindsey's has questions that need to be answered and turned in the first day, and Jamie will have an exam on hers the first day. They are going in 6th and 8th grades.


it's easier for Krissy and Pete, who get to choose what they'd like to read. Krissy is done, and will do extra.

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An exam on the first day :eek I've never heard of that! That said, I love to read and think it is a great summer activity. Are the books on their list at least somewhat appealing to them?

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that's great that you plan to volunteer. don't give up if you are not at first welcomed... it took me 2 years to "break in" at our school... I just kept showing up anyway, and pushed myself in. Now, I am the president of the PTO, just to make sure that nobody comes in feeling like I did. I think everyone should get to help as much as they'd like.


It's too bad she doesn't know anyone who will go on the same days. But she'll have loads of new besties after a week;)

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