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This is sad (a little long)

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You know part of the problem is the mass produced garbage that's so prevalent in our stores. I know what it takes to make a doily, but I've seen them in the dollar store. People don't learn to appreciate that it's made just for them, or that it is an original article, when they can pick up something that may look similar for a few bucks.


I agree that is part of the problem and where those doilies are made are like sweat shops, I'm sure, and the people get paid very little. That's why they are so cheap in the stores.

Also, if those doilies are examined closely and compared to ones like we make.....it can be seen that they are not nearly as beautiful....there's just something about them...they do look mass produced. They seem to be made around the same general pattern.

I would much rather have what I make or one from anyone on the 'ville...you know what I mean.....these are the rare beauties.


As a last note, my boss tried to get me to make her something one time....and she had the nerve and gall to tell me my time was only worth .25 cents per hour....well maybe to her....but to me my time is worth alot. I turned her down. I wasn't that broke.

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