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Fashion doll bed doll


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I have made this doll for our local Christmas House boutique. All benefits help the hospital. There is no picture as I am blind. So, if anyone makes it, feel free to post a picture. Feel free to use this pattern, but PLEASE do not take credit for my work!


As noted in the pattern, either Caron simply Soft or sport weight yarn can be used or combined. The bodice has a some what snug fit and fits Barbie's bustline quite well. The skirt flares out and is long, just like the bigger bed doll patterns.




Size: Fits an 11 1/2" fashion doll.


Materials: Caron Simply Soft yarn (sport weight works well too), about 5 oz medium blue, about 2 oz white, about 1 oz peach; E crochet hook; yarn needle; 11 1/2" fashion doll; doll stand.


Notes: Either type of yarn works well for this dress. ch3 is NOT counted as a dc. When joining rnds, sk the ch3 and sl st in the first dc.


bodice: Starting at neck edge with white, ch14.


Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across: 13; ch1, turn.

Row 2: 2 Sc in each sc across; ch1, turn: 26.

Row 3: Sc in first 9 sc, 2 sc in nt sc, sc in nt 6 sc, 2 sc in nt sc, sc in last 9 sc; ch1, turn:28.

Row 4: Working in back lps only, sc in first 4 sc, ch3, sk nt 5 sc for armhole, sc nt 2 sc together, sc in nt 6 sc, sc nt 2 sc together, ch3, sk nt 5 sc for armhole, sc in last 4 sc; ch2, turn.

Row 5: Hdc in nt 7 sts, 2 dc in nt 6 sts, hdc in last 8 sts; ch3, turn: 28.

Row 6: Dc in nt 6 sts, (dc nt 2 sts together) 3 times, dc in nt 2 sts, (dc nt 2 sts together) 3 times, dc in last 7 dc; ch3, turn: 22.

Row 7: Dc in nt 5 dc, (dc nt 2 dc together) twice, dc in nt 2 dc, (dc nt 2 dc together) twice, dc in last 6 dc: 18.

Row 8: ch3, dc in nt 3 dc, dc nt 2 dc together, dc in nt 6 dc, dc nt 2 dc together, dc in last 4 dc: 16. Fasten off and weave in ends.




Row 1: Join blue in top of last dc of bodice; ch1, sc in joining and in each dc across; ch3, turn.

Rnd 2: (right side) Working in back lps only, 2 dc in each sc across, join with sl st in top of beg dc; ch3: 32.

Rnd 3: * Dc in nt dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 48.

Rnd 4: * Dc in nt 3 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 60.

Rnd 5: * Dc in nt 4 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 72.

Rnd 6: * Dc in nt 5 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 84.

Rnd 7: * Dc in nt 6 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 96.

Rnd 8: * Dc in nt 7 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 108.

Rnd 9: Dc in nt 4 dc, 2 dc in nt dc, * dc in nt 8 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, ending dc in last 4 dc, join; ch3: 120.

Rnd 10: * Dc in nt 9 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 132.

Rnd 11: Dc in nt 5 dc, 2 dc in nt dc, * dc in nt 10 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, ending dc in last 5 dc, join; ch3: 144.

Rnd 12: * Dc in nt 11 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 156.

Rnd 13: Dc in nt 6 dc, 2 dc in nt dc, * dc in nt 12 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, ending dc in last 6 dc, join; ch3: 168.

Rnd 14: * Dc in nt 13 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 180.

Rnd 15: Dc in each dc around, join; ch3.


Bottom Ruffle:


Rnd 16: Working in back lps only, * dc in nt dc, 3 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join; ch3: 360.

Rnd 17: Dc in each dc around, join. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Ruffle Trim:


Rnd 1: Join white with sl st where you fastened off; * ch3, sk nt st, sl st in nt st; rep from * around, ending ch3, sk last st, join with sl st in first sl st. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Rnd 2: Join peach with sl st in rem st on blue rnd of skirt (between white lps of last rnd of skirt. Just push white lps to the back, away from you), * ch2, sl st in nt blue st; rep from * around, ending ch2, join with sl st in first sl st. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Skirt Trim:


Rnd 1: Join white with sl st in rem lp of Rnd 15 of skirt; * ch3, sk nt lp, sl st in nt lp; rep from * around, ending ch3, sk last lp, join with sl st in first sl st. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Rnd 2: Rep Rnd 2 of ruffle trim.


Bodice trim: Working in rem lps of Row 3 of bodice, join peach with sl st at center back, * ch2, sl st in nt lp; rep from * across bodice back, both lps of sts across armhole opening, bodice front, both lps of sts across armhole opening and bodice back. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Skirt tie: With peach, ch52, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, * ch2, sk nt ch, sl st in nt ch; rep from * across ch; join with sl st to center front of bodice (in rem lps on Row 8 of bodice), (ch2, sl st in nt lp) around to center back. Fasten off. Rejoin yarn on other side of back opening; (ch2, sl st in nt lp) across to last lp at center front; ch52, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, * ch2, sk nt ch, sl st in nt ch; rep from * across, join with sl st in first sl st at center front. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Hat: With blue, ch4, join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch3 (counts as first dc), 9 dc in ring, join with sl st in top of beg ch3: 10.

Rnd 2: Ch3, dc in joining, 2 dc in each dc around, join with sl st in beg ch3: 20.

Rnd 3: Ch3 (do not count as dc), dc in each dc around, join with sl st in first dc.

Rnd 4: ch1, sc in joining and in each dc around, join with sl st in first sc.




Rnd 5: Working in front lps only, ch3, * dc in nt lp, 3 dc in nt lp; rep from * around, join with sl st in first dc:40.

Rnd 6: Ch3, * dc in nt 3 dc, 2 dc in nt dc; rep from * around, join: 50. Fasten off and weave in ends.


Hat Trim: Rep Rnds 1 & 2 of ruffle trim of skirt.


Finishing: Place dress on doll. With white, sew back opening closed or attach snaps if desired. tie skirt tie in bow at center front, allowing long ends to fall down front of skirt. Place hat on head and attach with pin if desired. Place doll on doll stand.

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