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Explosive Cooking


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Since I love to crochet and also am a BIG fan of the group Green Day, I decided to make this potholder as a small tribute to them and to spice things up a bit...

It's made in tapestry crochet and the yarn is 7 Brothers by Novita, definitely one of my favourite wool yarns!


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Ah, Heart Like a Hand Grenade! -I see! (google is my friend ;)) Great potholder, Cardil! Very good likeness -very nice work!


Please excuse my slowness, kiddo...I enjoy the few GD songs that I'm familiar with, just wasn't familiar with the group's logo, never having seen a video or 'album' cover :embar...

However, Woot! -I learned something new today! -:ty



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Hi again...and thanks a lot for your comments on my potholders, glad you liked them. Jeannej, especially to you for calling me "kiddo"... LOL, at my age (47) yikes...have 2 teens who are keeping me young at heart and in mind.

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