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How long does it take to make it from the queue into the webring?


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First, let me say that I am not complaining, just curious. :shrug I know at least one owner of a ring I applied to is a VIP here :manyheart:hug:flower:tup .


I'm in the queue for two rings I joined a couple of weeks ago. I've gotten initial e-mail notices from both, so I know my addy is working. I've added the code to my blog, as instructed.


Is there a limit to how many blogs can be in a ring? Do I have to work my way to the top of the line to be accepted? In general, about how long does it take to become active in the ring?


I feel silly asking this, but I really would like to know...the suspense is killing me :rofl . The whole blog thing is new to me anyway. I know I do have one reader (Hi, Julie!) and it is so much fun.

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I own several webrings (not corchet ones, mostly poetry- several were adopted) and I would like to say that it can be a time consuming job. I'm sure they will get around to adding as soon as they get a chance. :)

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I guess that would be me. :P It totally depends on how busy the ring owner is and how many other applicants there are. Myself, I was gone most of the week before last taping for the DIY show, and then before that I was busy preparing for the trip. A ton of other things going on for me as well. Like this week my house is full of workmen installing hardwood floors. :lol Also, I've had a lot of questions coming in from C'ville members lately, mainly from new members wanting to know how things work. And so on. :D So my queue is a bit backed up right now. :blush I'll get to it soon, though.


Just a side note... One thing that can be frustrating about maintaining a ring is the surprisingly large number of people that join and don't ever bother to put the code up and often don't respond to e-mails asking them to do so. So I'm not apt to jump right on it when a notification e-mail comes in that there's a new member. Even those who do what they're supposed to need a little time to get the code up.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just a side note... One thing that can be frustrating about maintaining a ring is the surprisingly large number of people that join and don't ever bother to put the code up and often don't respond to e-mails asking them to do so.



Donna, you're so right, that is the most frustrating thing to me about having a webring. And several times, I have gotten people whose email addresses do not work at all, so the messages to add the code to their site get returned to me...and that's such a waste of my time it's so irritating! Anyone who wants to apply to join a ring should install the ringcode on their blog as soon as they apply, not when they get approved! I don't know if people realize that...

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I just decided to delete a person from my queue because after repeated emails including the ring code, they still had not added the code to their site...It really is um trying. I even deleted myself the other day (my older blog before the namechange) because I didn't realize that I was a broken link in the ring :lol So as everyone else has said thus far, It's all just a matter of how busy the owner is :P also most rings will state if they have a member limit ect in their join page, so if you are worried about that, you can go back and read the page where you joined.

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