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Guinea Pig Stuff

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Felting would help prevent toe nails from catching, but if your little friend is anything like the many guinea pigs I had over the years, I'd be concerned about them eating the things you make. I wouldn't want to leave anything in their home when they are unattended, but you could certainly make some nice things to use with him. Maybe a little ball you can roll to him and teach him to roll back to you?


Another nice thing would be to make him a personal towel for bath time. I know it depends on his coat type how often you bath him, but if he had his own towel he could stand on it while you brush or comb him, too.

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I don't know, I've seen people make sweaters for their guinea pigs (see here and here).


I think as long as the piggy kept the sweater on he wouldn't be in danger of ingesting it or getting his toenails caught. Of course, keeping his toenails trimmed might help prevent him from getting it off in the first place. :lol

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I'm right there with losingmymind - I'd be much more afraid of him eating it.


I haven't had a guinea pig in a long time but Leroy used to LOVE getting blow dried after his bath.

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