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A Pen Pal or Card Club Swap?

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I was thinking, a lot of people have 'pen pal' on their wishlist (myself included), and I have noticed a few threads started asking for pen pals. Wouldn't it be neat if there was a Pen Pal Club on Crochetville? Something kind of like the Card Club? Could we do that? Maybe like a Pen Pal Swap? You could exchange souveniour items from your part of the country/world? Or yarn/hooks from your part of the world. :hook Does anyone else have any ideas? :bounce


(I wasn't sure if I should post this in off topic or under crochet topics, the card club was a crochet-a-long, so... sorry if this is the wrong section!) :think



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Tina, if you would want this to run as an actual swap, then there are a couple options. If you want it to be an official Crochetville swap, you can submit the suggestion to craftimama (Juli) for the 2010 swap list.


Or, somebody could run something like this off of Crochetville, and post basic information in this Off-Forum Swap thread.


Organizing something like this as a CAL is sort of hard to do, as things like this tend to fizzle out. If people wanted to do it as a CAL, I'm not really sure how to organize it. But I would definitely suggest placing a time limit on it. It would be a lot of work for somebody to coordinate.


It probably goes without saying, but since the site IS public, it wouldn't be a good idea to post your mailing address. Address swapping would need to be done via PM or email. :)

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